Got rid of that ugly cellulite!!! Hello hotpants!

  • Hahaha okay maybe it is to early for hotpants but still. My cellulite is gone! No creams or special pills! I just excercised!

    This motivates me even more to stay on track with my excercise routine.
  • That's so wonderful! I know everyone says it's permanent, but I've known lots of people to get rid of it by slimming down a bit, or at least people who drastically minimized it.

  • This is so encouraging! Thanks for sharing and great job!
  • Congratulations! Keep it up. Looking for my own extra motivation...
  • wow, really!? That's amazing. I was beginning to think that cellulite was a permanent state of consciousness, because even skinny girls often have it. Congrats!
  • Wahoo, congrats! I now have hope that this is possible to attain!
  • That's awesome what kind of exercise have you been doing?
  • Wahooooo buy buy flabby legs!!! Hellooooo hot booty! Good on ya girl!
  • That's awesome!! I had some cellulite too until I started running, then it just melted away. does a body good, lol.
  • Quote: That's awesome what kind of exercise have you been doing?
    I do a little bit of everything so that I don't get bored. I like Zumba, 30 Shred, cycling and yoga. But I also focus on alot of cardio.

    Thanks for all the feedback girls! Have a wonderfull week
  • whoo congrats! I can't even wear shorts because of mine.
  • Exercise fixes a lot of things. =) Congrats =D I can't wait till I lose it on my top of my thighs and on my stomach. =)

  • Congrats to You! Can I join your club? lol. I noticed the other day the few dimples I had are gone! It made my week. I may still be smiling about it!
  • Thanks for sharing. It makes me want to go excerise & I'm glad I can get rid of it without a pill or cream!
  • Congrats! This really encourages me to exercise more, not to just lose weight but also make my cellulite disappear forever.