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  • Hi - I feel bad.
    Hi Everyone,

    Well, I had good intentions to walk on Monday, well.....it is Friday and I haven't even attempted to do it!

    I am on vacation next week and will be home M-Thurs, so I plan on getting in a few miles those days.

    This week has been so hectic! I look forward to being able to let ya'll know if I loose weight each week. It is exciting to see yall's progress! (Yes, I am from Texas and I have to use YALL.) Keep up the great work everyone! I will soon be joining in your losses!

    Have a great weekend! I may or may not have time to get online next week - if so great, if not - have a SAFE and FUN 4th of July!

    See ya!

  • Hi Ali Brat
    it hard to make your self go but it pays off I've been struck for a long time going no where .I got to walking and now i'm losing .i'm so happy I'm ready to be below 200 .2 more to go .that make 97 down Praise the Lord ,about 60 to go .of course i've been on this trail for awhile .
    My Aunt alway said Yall she lived down in florida ,now i catch myself doing it to .I guess it rub off so what else or you gonna teach me now let get to losing . Just think if we all lose how much better will feel
    well you have a good day
  • Thank goodness it's Friday!!
    Hey there foxy woman!!! Hey Ali!!!

    Linda on the great weight loss; just 2lbs more and you'll be at 200. Way - to - go!! Just keep doing whatever your doing.

    Ali - I'm a southern girl , lived in Tenn all my life in the same town and same house. I say yall too. We also say "I'm fixing to" so I may say that from time to time. That means "i'm going to", like "I'm fixing to exercise" would mean "I'm going to exercise".

    Venetia, we miss you; hope your doing ok.

    My sugars are still in the 80s; I won't weigh in again until next month at my doc's appointment. I think I do better not weighing myself all of the time.

    We would like to see the ladies that started this thread come back.

    I may get back in here tonight and then it will probably be next week when I get back in here (no home computer). Everybody have a great weekend.
  • Hi Everyone
    I guess you all got big plans for the week end .Not me just same ole same ole . I sure want to get below 200 this week . so I got to work hard this week to do it .
    Connie the scale can be discouargeing if you weigh all the time anyway . If you know your doing good ,you mite came back with a big lost when you do weigh .
    Venetia I hope your computer start doing right ,that can be a pain .Mine like to let me get a letter almost wrote then shut down .that get to me because i can't remenber all i said most time .
    Ali I hope you had a nice on plan week we all need that . Maybe and a year we call call or group the skinny minnie or something wouldn't that be nice .
    well everyone let do or best . maybe one day or diebates will just be controll by diet again .no shots or med That would be a blessing wouldn't it .Bye for now .I
    m looking to hear some good report this coming week .
  • Rough week
    Hi Friends
    I had such an exhausting week, I didn't have time for fun. I for sure am not as young as I thought.
    We arrived late Sunday (12:00am) and then I got up by 6:00 to make sure I got my walk in which came to about 1.25 miles, and this was all inside. I walked Mon, Tues, Wed, and Thurs for at least 1 mile since I found a snack shop that had coffee, bagel and fruit. It wasn't so bad until Tuesday night when the evening programs lasted till 11:30pm, then I was just draggin the rest of the week, Ok I must confess, I had pizza three times and that was twice in one day this was due to the meals being on our own and then having to be back in the workshops within 45 minutes but due to all the walking I did, I hoped that helped (the 2 hotel/casinos were very large and we had to walk almost a full 1/4 mile just to get to the conference room). The group did have one day (4 hours) for fun (swimming at the Geyser Falls water park) but I didn't go because I had a bad sinus headache.
    Everything is ok now but I am still so tired. Our group of teens were so well behaved, I am so proud of them.
    I am off to take a little nap since I am still trying to catch up on my sleep. Also my husband's 55th birthday is today so we are going out to dinner tonight.
    I'll be back tomorrow, See you all lighter friends.
  • Hi Joe ann
    pizza twice where our piece . Oh well it sound good .Great job on the walking .I did good this week to ,I missed one day I didn't get to .I'm feeling better scents i started . It sound like you've had a fun week . that wonderful .I've been helping my husband .I could use some fun All work and no play lately .
    Hello Everyone else hope your day was a good one .well i got to run got a lot to do before church
  • Hi ladies, here's a quick post from me.

    Joe Ann - so glad to see you back; considering you were away from home and had such a busy week, it was great that you were able to get in exercise! What a bummer you had to miss the water park. It's a new week, so put the pizza behind you. You might try getting in a little more water to flush out some of the sodium.

    Linda - Miss Foxy - the weekend was same ole same ole for me too. Hope you had a good one.

    I overdid the food a little yesterday - I skipped breakfast which didn't help the I made a mistake ordering at Burger King yesterday. But today is a new day, so I need to get in the water and get back on track.

    Hope all the rest of you ladies are having a good day and had a good weekend. I'll see ya later.
  • Hello Ladys
    Well we all eat something we don't call diet food .that what i like about weight watcher we can have anything if we use our point and save for it . SO Pizza or ice cream is not a no no any more Ladys . so for last week I had ice cream and a small cholate bar and still lost .I thought that was great Yes i'm still trying to eat healthy but i'm gonna have me a treat if i want how about you ? I'm tried of d-i-e-t-s i'm ready to eat like a normal person . so Joe ann I was just kidding about the pizza
    It rain today i just barely got my walk in and here it came .I tell you it made me walk faster
    well Ladys hop in here and lets here about your day . lets help one other make it . you mite need to over look me i like to kid sometimes .just give it to me back
    I feel so much better already .
    well connie ,Joe ann ,Venetia,Dixie darling and Ali let be like the Army saying let be all that we can be . we only live this life once lets do it with a bang
  • Not a good eating day
    I started off well eating a lowcarb meal for breakfast, but by lunch I was failing. and I didn't stop.
    My niece to me out to lunch at a Pizza place, and I had three slices of pepperoni, then my daughter wanted to stop at Dairy Queen and she wanted to buy me something so I had a chocolate dipped cone. Now I am STUFFed.
    I wanted to take a nap now but I know it's because my B/S is way up. So I'll hanging around here for awhile and get up my courage to go to aerobics at 6:30.
  • Jo Ann you can do it .you just got to make up your mind to do it . I had been and a rut for about 6 month and finely i'm back to doing something again .please don't wait that long the longer you do the harder it is to get going again .
    what more important than anything is watch that blood sugar . It work on every part of your body I wish i had it to do over and had enough scent to take care of myself . then i wouldn't have bleeding behind one eye and my site going down hill faster then it should .
    There going come a day when you can tell me to behave after all were only human and some time we need someone to care enough of us to say Hey Girl friend you can do it .
    I'm so glad you all or my friend it make this so much more easy to do .God bless you all
    P.S lets don't look back but let go froward to our goal
  • WW Weigh In...
    Hello everyone!!! We finally got everything running as it should be
    so I am back.Have to weigh in tomorrow and am not looking forward to it. I think I am having the same old problem I had with low carb eating.

    My stomach is bloated up and I keep the same pounds up and down. I do not cheat. I am so tired of being fat but I swear there must be an evil Genie or something, that is stopping me. I count my points faithfully but I don't really see any results. Do you girls have any suggestions for me. I may decide to go back to low carb after I use up the 9 weeks I paid for at WW. Low carb is better as far as watching sugar. Of course I do not have any sugar in the house anyway.

    I just don't know what else to do.When I go to bed tonight I will say my prayers and pray for a loss, but I don't expect it.

    My exercise is not as great as it should be but even people who never exercise lose weight when they try hard, but not me.

    Well, I hope you all are doing ok. Joann you gotta quit eating that ice cream. It is so bad for diabetics, Take care of yourself for yourself and for your family. I know it is hard to give up things that are so yummy but think of how healthy you will be when you lose weight. Not to mention that you are already beautiful and will be even more beautiful when you get slim. I guess I have my age against me,I don't know but you are still young. We want to have you for a friend a long time.

    Ok!!Enought advice and complaining. I hope you all have a good loss this week and I will let you know how my weigh in goes..

    See ya'll later..
  • Hey ladies - popping in for a minute - I've got lotsa work tonight. Right now I am really wound up but i'm trying not to give in to the food. I haven't been eating right today and I'm starting to get indigestion because of it.

    I was interested in how you guys on WW are working the program with the diabetes??? I have been a WW member many times, but never as a diabetic. So I would like to know how you work the program. Do they have special plans for diabetics???? Or do you just do the same plan that everyone else uses. I know they are using points now. Do you have to let them know you are diabetic when you join?? I'm thinking of rejoining because I think I would do better with some kind of structured eating plan instead of doing it on my own. You can PM me if you'd like.
    Hey Venetia - I have really missed you. We must have been posting at the same time last night because I didn't see your post until 9PM tonight. So glad your back.

    Regarding the low carb diet, why are you going to wait until your 9 week pass is up; can you not just go ahead and do low carb on WW?? I was told to reduce my carbs when I was first diagnosed. My diabetic educator told me to have 15 to 60 grams of carbs at each meal and 30g of carb for a snack. It has worked for me, I had lost at least 14lbs at my last doc visit. I used to feel bloated and I had indigestion all of the time but since I have been watching the carbs and not eating so much junk food I feel better. Are you measuring your food??? You may be eating more than you realize. Before you try low carb you really should consult with your doc first.

    I was doing well with food today until a while ago I went in the break room and got a large cup full of ice cream then put chocolate and caramel syrup on it. I don't know why I did that, for some reason I had to have it. Maybe I would do better if I just bought some sugar free dessert and kept it at home then I wouldn't feel deprived. It's ice cream that I am having a problem with for some reason.

    Well I have to get back to work. Linda, Joe Anne and Ali - you all get in here now!!!
  • It's Me Venetia..
    Hi Connie, Thank you for the kind words. I did the weigh in today and another pound is gone I may have to stay with the WW for a while. I can't afford to just throw the money down the drain that I paid for the next 6 weeks. It isn't coming off fast but it is coming off. I just get so anxious, you know what I mean.

    Do you take any other medications, other than insulin? I take so many and it does stall weight loss and keeps it slow.

    Where is everyone? Are we the only ones here. I hope everyone is ok.I'm sure they are.

    I talked to my daughter in California tonight. She has Fibromyalgia. I haven't seen her for 5 years and she is so home sick. Hopefully she will be able to visit soon. I feel so sorry for her that she is so ill from the Fibro. I wish I could understand it more. Do you know anything about it?

    Try to stay away from that Ice Cream. You'll feel better in the long run. Gotta run for now,

    Talk to you later

    Where are you girls???
  • Not Good
    I went to my TOPS group meeting and I had a 1 1/2 pound gain. This is within a two week period since my last weigh in.
    So here I go, starting my second half of this year with a +2 pound gain since the beginning new years weight.
    Now don't worry, I am not about to beat myself up over this yet, because I still got six months to go to get below this. My blood sugars are a lot better also from the beginning of the year so I a m grateful for that.
    I ordered some software to help me with my eating plan, it's sold from the TOPS website, I am going to give it a try. It's main WOE is using the exchange system. I will try anything at this point but for sure not WLS.
    I'll be back tomorrow to check on you all lighter. Have Blessed day friends.