Sarge's No Excuses Boot Camp #11

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  • Morning Troops.

    Looks like our early weigh-er have gotten us all off on the right foot. Great job!!

    I finished up my 10 miles this morning. Pretty good stuff.

    Have a great Saturday!
  • Yesterday was my off day from the gym and I felt realllly guilty not going. Back at it again today

    I am weighing in early because I am throwing my bff's baby shower tomorrow and it is going to be a crazy day.

    Pledged: 2
    Lost: 2
    Next week's pledge: 2
  • thanks chickadee....i agree with you about drinking plenty of water when you splurge...i do think it helps flush the body!! i always feel so "sluggish and heavy" after eating junk and water helps remedy that! drink your water !!!

    sarge...dang...i saw on fitocracy you are banging out some major workouts!! way to go!

  • Wow, all of the early weigh-ins look great!

    KP Duty completed this morning, along with 10 miles on the treadmill/bike. I've been working on building up my speed on the treadmill. Sarge, going from 19:20 to 8:23 qualifies you for Delta Force in my book. Wish I knew where I started in May, but I'm around the 12 min mark at this point.

    Chickadee, wtg on dealing with your stress in a healthy way. Not so easy, I know.

    Spouse and both kids are all working today, so I'm feeling like I should do likewise. It's beautiful out though, so I'm going to at least work outside. I should clean the house, but I can't do that outside, so I'm thinking perhaps that's a job for tomorrow .

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone . . . but not too much!
  • Jeanettey’s weekend challenge


    5 minute warm up
    10 minutes cardio
    25 push ups
    10 minutes cardio
    25 jumping jacks
    10 minutes cardio
    25 crunches
    10 minutes cardio
    5 minute cool down

    You have Friday or Saturday to accomplish it.
    I know this may be too easy for some of you so, feel free to increase where you need to, to make it challenging for yourself.

    The following Privates have already reported for and completed their KP Duty,

    Rainbow -
    Kuri -
    rmc -
    and me -

  • Quick....KP Duty complete!
  • I gained 3.3 this week. :/

    For next week, I pledge to lose 3.3, and 300 min exercise
  • KP Duty tonight. On the treadmill!
  • Congratulations on all the losses so far!

    Quick check-in. I need to update everything and ALSO do KP duty. I'm so behind today. My running buddy and I went to lunch and they didn't have what I had planned on getting, so I had to wing it and ended up with what was probably not my best option. I'll make up for it with dinner, but I have GOT to stop eating out so much. I plan ahead and log everything, but I'm sure it will add up regardless. Next week I'm thinking of doing a no eating out week just to see. Not to mention the $$$ I could save.

    Speaking of which, I've been trying to stick to a reward schedule for being on plan and training, so yesterday I went to get some new running capris/shorts. The bad news is that I still have a hard time finding any that don't make my legs look terrible. I really thought they were looking ok lately, but my mirror at home LIES. So depressing. The GOOD news is that I went down a size in jeans, so there is that

    Ha, envelope and josey, you guys are too funny. There must be something wrong with me, those trails sound like my dream, even with the bugs. (I am in school for Entomology though). I get spoiled here; even the technical trails are well-maintained.

    josey, WOOHOO, congratulations! C25K is no joke. You are awesome.

    envelope, I get that too. I'm not sure why it's so nerve-wracking. Maybe it's because even though it's a small push you're still pushing yourself. I have runner friends who go out there and do 15 miles like it's nothing, sometimes in reeeally questionable shoes. I try to be like them and run like it's an adventure, but sometimes it's hard. As long as you're doing it, that's what counts.

    Sarge, WOW, that's some improvement in pace. Are you by any chance bionic? Just checking.

    Reso, you DO need a new truck. You do. (Actually, used is a better choice imo).

    Ok, off to go do KP duty. It's so nice outside that I'm gonna be the crazy girl in the park doing pushups, but I don't care
  • I did the Shred... and I worked sooooo much yesterday I woke up sore today.
    I think the SHRED is as much as I'm doing today...
    I worked out. That's what matters. I didn't want to, but I did. Resting today and hoping for a BIG loss tomorrow.
    My new favorite food is humus. I've always liked humus but I didn't realize it was so lovely and healthy. (Fiber and vitamin E, two things I struggle with).
    I also plan on buying some salmon and cod. They sell $1 fillets at the store I go to, so I'm going to get a few for dinner for a few nights. Fish is good for you!
  • kp duty done! Entering it in fitocracy later. wow was that tough!
  • Mam, yes Mam...KP Duty ~complete, Mam!

    Kuri... agree! I lovey me some sashimi! could eat 24/7 if was cheep enuff.

    Joyful...but does anybody realy look good in capris? lol P.s. its my strong belief that your mirror is in ca-hoots with mine as well

    Josey...awsome job lady!!!!

    Kittykat...sweet on droppin the 30! its storys like think that keep my faith that YES IT CAN BE DONE !

    Cheshire...totaly diggan the poster!

    Chickadee ... here is a before pix of me when I was thin with a full head of hair that I used to get layed cuz it was too thick (lol) than a pix of hair loss (when hair loss was worst, you can see how thin it got, all the hair is pushed to the front) and finally a recent pix (I still use Jessica simposon extentions when I go out, to give me more body), but still not as full as before I lost my 1st 100lbs. Again WORTH IT tho

    Fiance and I went Mnt Biking in the woods (LOVE IT) on the way to the gym and back home from .... been full force today. I am sooooo treating stinkey ickey sweaty self to a long eppsin salt scrubby bath

  • Good Night Troops

    Internet access is sporadic and just plain NOT GOOD . . . so hopefully it will hang on until I post this

    K3: Sorry lady, you're back to #4

    Jeanettey: KP duty done . . . oh shoot forgot to put it in FITOCRACY . . . Ohhhhhhhhh Boy . . . more points !!!!

    Hang in there everyone.

    Will try to check in again tomorrow to see how weigh-ins are going . . .

    Cooked zucchini (fresh picked from the garden this AM) on a campfire . . . Ohhhhh so good

    Good nite All
  • Quote:
    Reso, you DO need a new truck. You do. (Actually, used is a better choice imo).
    Well not really, still i hate the thought of payments but you only live once, if i do get one it will probably be the new one though.

    Funny you have trouble with not eating out, i have'nt eaten out for nearly 2 years now, not kidding either, sometimes i think about it but never bother.

    Missed my miles yesterday again, 6.2 walking and 4.2 on the bike, today 6.2 walking and 11.3 on the bike, all added together with my running total comes to 108.7, i really slowed things down. Scale is hanging tough, will see tomorrow whats what i guess.
  • Haha, maybe if you get a new truck you'll be too busy driving it to get in the extreme miles. There's your excuse for getting it, anyway.

    Me1st, I guess not really unless they're Audrey Hepburn.

    KP Duty DONE

    5 minute warm up ✓ (Walk)
    10 minutes cardio ✓ (Run)
    25 push ups ✓
    10 minutes cardio ✓ (Run)
    25 jumping jacks ✓
    10 minutes cardio ✓ (Run)
    25 crunches ✓
    10 minutes cardio ✓ (Sparring + Mountain climbers)
    5 minute cool down ✓ (Walk)

    Gonna go take a shower and then bed. So tired. Good luck tomorrow, all!