WW Challenge : online spreadsheet

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  • To all the members participating to WW challenge

    People of the challenge mostly WI on monday but some people were unable to do it on monday, so it became a bit harder to Jinksie to track everybody WI all week long

    So, with Jinks spreadsheet, I builded up an online spreadsheet so we can all enter our weekly results by ourself.

    You basically just have to enter you current weight at everyweek and the weekly and total lost so far will get calculated by themselves.

    I know it's a bit screwed up for week 3 because nobody entered WI yet for next week. I just wanted to put the week 3, 4 and 5 because I won,t be there for the next 2 weeks and won't be able to build the columns.

    I think I'll just had the WI for week 2 that people gave for week 3 and 4 so it doesn't screw up too much the total weight lost for the group if somebody just forget to enter their datas.

    So for week 3, 4 and 5 : erase the number appearing and put your daily WI instead.

    Here's the adress of the spreadsheet : https://spreadsheets.google.com/spre...hl=en_US#gid=0

    Does it make any sense? If you have any question, just asked, I'd be pleased to try to answer you
  • Cool, thanks! I will try my HARDEST to post a loss next week.
  • Cool! I'll be unable to post for the next 2 weeks (well I think I'll put my WI of next friday as my next monday challenge WI).

    So if the sheep screwed up in the next 2 weeks, I'll only be able to fix in then. Hope everything will be hockey
  • Wow it looks awesome! Neato!
  • yay! What a great idea
  • Thanx! Glad you like it I had fun mixing the colors LOL
  • Looks great!
    The only question I have: I gained in Week 1, but it says -1.2. Then I lost week 2 and it just says 2.6. Is there a way to change it so when we lose it shows a - and when we gain it shows a +?
  • it calculates like that. i couldnt work out how to fix it
  • Quote: Looks great!
    The only question I have: I gained in Week 1, but it says -1.2. Then I lost week 2 and it just says 2.6. Is there a way to change it so when we lose it shows a - and when we gain it shows a +?
    Hmmm it was supposed to show like that. I'll have a look at that today!

    Edit : I found a way to do it, I'll do that today when I get to my job and have a mouse, it's gonna long with my touchpad lol
  • I did the change in the formulas in the spreadsheet so it's now gonna be for exemple :

    a 1 lbs loss will be : ( -1.00)
    a 1 lbs gain will be : (1.00)

    There ya go!
  • Love it! Thanks to Jinks & Turbo for making it possible!
  • Is there any way yall can add me? If I give y'all my info for the weeks?
  • I'll add you, Catahoula, you'll only have to enter you datas
  • Updated mine!
  • Thanks for adding me!! Did it start June or July 4th? I went and entered my info but I don't think it calculated me.