1 Year Ago I Joined 3FC

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  • elaine I absolutely love the support on the CCer's thread, a great group there

    Kayhlen great job on the your day yesterday, way to go
  • envelope, you look fantastic!!
  • You are looking awesome! What a difference a year and a lot of hard work makes! Keep up the great work!
  • Thank you all. I am healthier than I have ever been in my life, and I am really enjoying how it feels.

    Rennie - the brown outfit is actually my swimsuit and cover up, I had my daughters take that pic so I could compare it to a swimsuit pic from last year The suit is so flattering, I was sad to put it on the other day and realize that is a bit big now. I am loving my black and white dress I bought it to wear for a baby shower...I need another excuse to wear it.

    Elaine - ccing has always worked for me, as long as I do it. It is important to find what will work for you, what will fit into your lifestyle. I know that I need to CC to keep myself accountable. It has become second nature to me. One of the great things about ccing is that it is free, and anyone can do it if they want to.

    Kayhlen - I have often come to the goal and mini goal section for inspiration. I am honored to have helped inspire you. You totally ROCKED it at the gym last night!!!
  • congrats,
    Did you experience platau anytime? how did you deal with it?
  • Chalk it to being new but what is CCing? And thanks envelope You inspired me again today. I think I am going to keep this blog open at work so when I feel an urge for something unhealthy, I am going to start reading the different posts. And regarding the swimsuit, you look amazing in it.
  • wow you look amazing! You're such an inspiration!
  • You look great!
  • Kayhlen - CCing is calorie counting
  • You look amazing!!! Can I ask what is CCing?
  • envelope it's bittersweet when you really like a clothing item that looked so good on you and then you go to wear it again and it's too big Funny how things work. I'm now actually working on getting back into the clothes (mainly tops) that I wore last year, they're too tight . SO way to go Lady Make sure you get you wear out of the dress just beautiful.

    kelly585 CCing is Calorie Counting
  • Thank you so much. I am just dieting for 2and 1/2months and have so many doubts. Your journey has motivated me.
  • puneri - These threads have kept me motivated, which is why I decided to share my story and pics.
    I have had a few times when I was exercising and watching what I ate and the scale took a pause...or stopped moving for a while. I am not sure that any of mine were truely long enough to be considered a platau. The longest was over over 2 wks but less than 3. During that time frame I just kept going and then all of a sudden I quickly dropped more than an inch from my waist. I went from having pants that were a bit too tight to being too big in a matter of a few days.

    CCing is calorie counting.
  • Congrats for ur great success!!u look quite good now!!