Looking to join here

  • Hey there!

    I wanted to come into the 100lbs club as from my starting weight at 229lbs I want to get down to 140lbs I know that's 11lbs short of 100 but who knows my goal may change as I progress. I have been exercising for 5 weeks now on June 2 I weighed 229 and as of yesterday I'm down to 215!!! Still wearing my size 16's and a L or XL shirt but they are fitting me MUCH better haha not so skin tight lol. I'm going by my clothing size to gage my progress and working out 4 times a week, Not totally depriving myself either but really working on building lean muscle to burn that fat! Still smoking but will quit that once I no longer need the emotional crutch....gosh not ready for that yet! Glad to be here finally! It's been a long road to get here inside of myself now I want my outside to match my insides!
  • Welcome! They are a good supportive group here. Good luck with your weight loss! I know that you can do it.
  • Thanks hun! I love your avatar pic, it reminds me of the goddess Freya!
  • I think you'll find that 3FC is comprised of the most knowledgeable, supportive, and experienced women you'll ever meet. It's made all the difference for me.

    So welcome, and best of luck!
  • We all need all the help we can get - welcome. Ninety pounds, 100 pounds - who cares! It's a big undertaking and we all can use another friend to come along on the journey.

  • Congratulations on making the commitment and making real progress. It sounds like you know what you're doing. So glad to have you here!