Slimfast Shakes?

  • Has anyone tried the slim fast shakes? I'm on cal restricted diet and am thinking about replacing a meal with one. Do they really help with hunger? Thanks
  • From past experience I don't think they work. They just left me hungry an hour later.
  • Slim fast is not a good meal replacement in my opinion..If you look at the ingredients list the second ingredient is sugar..If you look at the sugar grams in it , its 23..What does that tell you? Does that spell "healthy" to you?

    My advice..if your goign to restrict your calories...then find a really really good quality whey want one with under 5 grams of carbs and about 100 to 120 calories per will keep you a lot fuller..
  • Thanks! Glad I didn't go out anfd some yet!
  • I completely agree with Port. I make a smoothie everyday with whey protein powder, frozen fruit and water. It's very filling and much healthier than slimfast. I've been there done that with slimfast. =P
  • Quote: I completely agree with Port. I make a smoothie everyday with whey protein powder, frozen fruit and water. It's very filling and much healthier than slimfast. I've been there done that with slimfast. =P
    this defiantly sounds like the best idea.
    But if you were just counting calories and used the slim fast as
    a meal it should work fine. It isnt always simple to make a shake
    if you are on the run. But just stick to you calorie plan.
  • Vegetables will give you bulk with few calories, try adding more of those.

    Protein as a filler works for some and not others. It doesn't seem to make a blind bit of difference to me. Certainly worth playing with, of course.
  • If those shakes really worked, we'd all know it ... like we know plants need sun. It'd be a self evident fact.
  • I actually like Krogers brand brand. Might be called Equate. It just tastes better not chalky like SF! And it helps me curb my appetite. I normally have one for breakfast with a banana on the way to work. Then a salad for lunch and a healthy dinner. Dont normally craves snacks in between but if I do it a SF(or equivelent) I grab!