I've Lost 20 LBS!!

  • Im sooo exxcited i just wanted to share it with everyone!!!!!!!
    Thank you everyone for helping me and guiding me through this journey. I know that I am going slower than others, but I want to be sustainable!! All the ideas I find here are soo helpful and I love reading everyone else's posts!

  • Awesome, bellaella!!! Keep up the great work. Slow and steady wins the race!
  • Awesome job! Now go celebrate!
  • Twenty pounds is no small feat. Amazing job! Keep going.
  • Great job!!!!! Keep up the fantastic work!!!
  • Great job!
  • Congrats!! Great Job!!!
  • congrats!!

    the first 20lbs were the most exciting for me! what an accomplishment <3
  • YAY! And 20 pounds is no small feat and I'm glad you are taking it nice and slow! Aside from losing it slowly for sustainable reasons, it will make you appreciate your body that much more when you get to goal. And, because of all the hard work you put into losing weight, you're more apt to keep an eye on any weight fluctuations when you get there, too.

    Keep up the fantastic work!
  • Congratulations!!! I know you must feel great!
  • Congratulations on your accomplishment!!
  • Thanks so much guys!!! I'm soo happy with my progress!! and i really think that on top of self control, surrounding yourself with GOOD people is important too. some of you may know that i have tumblr account and i post my food on it. but sometimes i also read other girl's posts and some of these posts actually made me really depressed. A lot of girls are promoting anorexia and eating disorders and it bothered me so much and made me feel really bad about myself. but IM BACK!! i stopped reading their posts and focused on me!!

    if anyone is interested, i eat my 3 meals a day with 1-2 health snacks in between every meal. i try to eat salads 2-3 times a week for lunch b/c i find the fibre really helps clean out my intestines (hehe.. sorry). and I also eat these Slimmies chocolates that has fibre before my meal so that I dont eat as much b/c they make me feel full. They have really helped me a lot. I also make it a thing to walk around the office just for 10-15 mins after i eat 2-3 times a week for exercise. and i started to walk whenever/wherever i can! Its not crazy change, but its been working for me!!!!