SBD Daily Chat: Thursday, July 7

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  • Good morning, ladies!!! I have been away so much lately that I feel like I'm too far behind to EVER catch up!!! I hope that everybody has been doing well.

    Things are basically the same here. Still working all the time, yanno??? We took a trip to Tybee Island (one of our favorite places) for my birthday and it has me determined to find a job and move down there now. Unfortunately it doesn't work like that...guess it'll take a little longer than I want, LOL

    Anyway, what's on your plate for today??? I have to hit the gym, go home and sleep, and then get up and hit the gym again before heading in to work. It's my Friday, woot woot!!!
  • Good Morning

    Natasha, great to see you! You are missed here but I know you have gotten so busy since you got your promotion. Keep on truckin' girl...check in when you can!

    I've decided I really need to reclassify myself. I have now formally been promoted from professional volunteer/part time caretaker to WFH.

    I'm up early to WFH before taking mom for her test. Last night I was checking emails and my rescue partner has been working harder than I. My box was filled with adoptions (5) and new pups (4). I still haven't finished June reports so it's time to get moving. Lot's of new cute pups...I try to be objective knowing my life doesn't need another pup right now. I'll be checking back as I build files for each this morning.
  • Hi everyone,
    Debbie, I know how you feel. Last night my son said "can we get just one more cat?" and of course I am tempted (we already have 2) but it's such a nice balance and I wouldn't want to disrupt things. I am also threatening constantly to get a bird or a gerbil, but that too would be disruptive given the two existing cats!

    I'm almost down to what my ticker says, hopefully by tomorrow. Sigh. I have to keep reminding myself that although I go up and down, the general trend is down, and I haven't even really been all that strict with myself on the weekends.

    On board for today is exercise, work, and laundry, in that order! I have a bunch of end of the fiscal year stuff to accomplish at work by tomorrow (goal). Hope everyone has a great day today.
  • Good morning It's much cooler this morning, almost pleasant after last night's rain storms.

    Natasha - It's so nice to see your name pop up! Glad all is going well.

    Debbie - Congratulations on the title change good luck with the tests today

    It's my Friday though I can't seem to remember that. I'm all out of whack this week but an earlier end than I expected is always good. It's a busy weekend with chores and lunch with friends tomorrow then off to NYS for a celebratory party for my DB and his new wife. They were married in VA last October with just friends so we are doing a family thing this weekend. My parents are just thrilled that her girls will be staying with them. My Mom says all grandchildren are great, doesn't matter how you get them

    The official announcement was made at work yesterday so everyone now knows that I'm leaving my position at the end of the summer. We are negotiating a small consultant role with the campaign but it will be just enough to do the specialized things no one else can easily do and pay my car payment In the meantime I really need to find a job! I've never left a job without another one lined up but it was just what I had to do this time. I had already made the decision but the recent health stuff just reinforces that. I need to work normal hours and be relatively near by for now.

    The cats are staring at me and think I should feed them. Guess I should but I'm mad at them for waking me up at 4:30 to feed them, much too early. Ah well, I know who is in charge around here and it's not me

    Happy Thursday

    ETA - good morning Matilda! Personally I'd never have three cats again (though I am sometimes tempted by the shelter's website pics of kitties needing homes). I know it works for a lot of people but we had constant problems when we had three. One was always the outsider and caused lots of trouble. When the other two died though she was so lonely we had to get another cat to keep her company. Strange little creatures
  • All this cat talk! I have 4 kitties, I'd probably have 8 or more if I weren't married. Maybe three is the odd number, four is okay? I won't talk about all the hairballs though!

    Natasha - good to see you poke in this morning! Glad to hear everything's going so well!

    Lexiss - Congrats on the promotion . I bet one day one little furry one is going to capture your heart, and you'll know! We have a dear stray at my work right now, everyone wants her....she basically just needs a retirement home. My boss said she'll probably just remain as a clinic dog!

    MMCK - Good morning! I'd much rather have another cat than a gerbil!

    Cyndi - WOO HOO!! Congrats!! Good luck finding another job, I know you're great at what you do.

    Me - sitting her icing my ankle (sprained it Monday....first time EV-AH). I have a sports med appt today, although the sprained ankle is lowest on the list! I'm anxious to hear what they say of recovery from various aches and pains. Someone I think is telling me not to run!

    A woman around the corner is "dieting" with me...although she's doing Atkins (although I think kinda loosely). She and I are checking in every day on diet plans, etc. She has no idea half of what I eat!

    Our hard drive crashed at work, might be an interesting day!
  • Cyndi - how is DW feeling - do you have any more answers? I just read a perfect quote for you:

    "Jump, and the net will appear."

    I think by Goethe.
  • Good morning! What a chatty group you are today!

    Hey, Natasha! It's nice to see you here this morning! I've never been to Tybee Island, but from what I've heard about it, I envy you for planning to eventually make the move there. I hope you can find a great position there and make it work out!

    Debbie, hope all goes well with you today!

    Matilda, you have a great day, too!

    Cyndi, I bet you feel better, now that the official word is out that you're leaving. With your qualifications, it shouldn't be too long before you find the perfect job with the hours you want. It sounds like a fun weekend with your family, and I share the same sentiments as your mother as far as the grandchildren are concerned. Audrey & Maggie are just as much "mine" as my other grandchildren.

    Another day in a string of sweltering weather. The girls and I are going to spend the morning at Grandmama and Granddaddy's, and then spend the rest of the day at the pool. Today is Jake's 62nd birthday, so I expect everyone will be here to help celebrate.
  • About the same and no answers yet, thanks for asking. Right now we are just doing lots of research and making sure she doesn't overdo it, not an easy task.

    Quote: Cyndi - how is DW feeling - do you have any more answers? I just read a perfect quote for you:

    "Jump, and the net will appear."

    I think by Goethe.
  • Time for a much anticipated break...reports for June have been sent.

    Cyndi, your extended weekend activities sound fun. It must feel good to be shifting in your have sure been on overload for months.

    Twynn,hope your ankle recovers quickly....yay for an old pup who finds a new role as Clinic Dog.

    Linda, Happy Birthday to Jake! Have fun today!

    Matilda, your pet situation sounds perfect the way it is. Trust me, gerbils, birds and cats aren't the best combo. Hope you get your reports done.

    Off to July and cute pups!
  • Good morning - somewhat belated. I finally am sleeping through the night - except for the 3 a.m. potty trip - and then awakening around six. Of course,, my first stop then is the scale and the darned thing is not cooperating. It pains me mightily but I have to change my ticker back to 180. I truly do not know why unless it's salt and water retention from the heat. I've not been eating THAT many strawberries! *Sigh **

    Natasha, so nice to "see" you first thing in the morning. I looked up Tybee Island and it sounds great. I've never done a beach holiday although Cottage and my trip to Cape Breton was close.

    Debbie, yes, harden your heart for a while. I would want to take all the rescue pups home with me. Is WFH going to ease things a bit for you?

    Matilda, I too must keep reminding me that the ticker trend has been down although it's hard to believe today. I had four cats at one time which was quite interesting. They did develop a hierarchy for using the kitty litter - so funny to see the line-up.

    Cyndi. I am sure you are relieved to have made the work change official and I'm sure you will find another job easily. Enjoy your family weekend with the new branches and twigs on your family tree.

    Twynn, sprained ankles really hurt! You will have stop the running for a while although you seem to love it. I sprained my ankle once while on holiday in France and it sure slowed me down.

    Cottage, I really shouldn't crab about our heat up here. You really are getting sweltering weather. I'm so glad you have the pool! Give Jake another birthday hug and whatever else you feel is appropriate.

    I have a huge list of To Dos today so had best get into my working duds and "Just get on with it!" as my Mother always said. I think that is engraved on my brain.

    Have a great day, Beach Babes!
  • Good morning!

    Natasha - I read a book that took place on Tybee and it sounds lovely. I'll have to add it to my every-growing list of places I'd like to go someday.

    Debbie - Well, I guess I'm wishing you a different kind of willpower today! Not much cuter than puppies.

    Matilda - We gave in once and let my son get a chinchilla! What were we thinking? Someone once described this weight loss thing by saying it's not lateral. Yep.

    Cyndi - Best of luck in the job search. I hope it feels good to have made things public and have the decision done.

    Twynn - Oh no! Ouch. I hope it heals fast.

    Linda - Happy birthday to Jake.

    Ruth - I was just saying something to my DH last night about wishing we did not need to get up to use the bathroom so often at night. Sigh. But I have noticed a definite correlation between eating poorly and NOT needing to go!

    It is storming here today. So it will be the elliptical this morning. Hubby and I are catching up now on Season 4 or 5 of Bones and need to watch several episodes a day to get them all in before the DVD is due back to the library. I have an appointment with my internist later, I think just follow-up for my cholesterol. I've been on meds for years. I've been tracking my BP for a week (and it's fine) because it is always high in her office. I told her that it's because she runs late and I get worked up waiting with all the sick people!
  • Good morning ladies. Thanks so much for the warm welcome yesterday.

    Yesterday I made the P1 almond and jam bars, my husband did NOT like them. I thought they were a decent enough sub for a cookie, but they seriously made me WANT a cookie! I think I will just do without them until I am in P2 when I can make an actual cookie!

    On Plan today!!! P1D9.

    Hope everyone has a terrific day!
  • Quote: Debbie, Is WFH going to ease things a bit for you?
    No, same work, just a title change WFH seems to acknowledge that all this volunteer stuff IS real work and I'm not just retired eating bon bons. Have a great day!

    Quote: Debbie - Well, I guess I'm wishing you a different kind of willpower today! Not much cuter than puppies.
    No problem with willpower today...the cat just peed on grandmas antique couch! ARG! Denver got a huge storm last you're getting it now. Good idea keeping track of your BP all week. Stay dry!

    Quote: On Plan today!!! P1D9.
    Right on! Enjoy your day!
  • Good morning,

    I have been lurking but so busy unable to really post. Things are just so hectic here at work and the staff are giving me gray hair lol.

    Natasha glad you had a good vacation. I know I want to move back to Florida in about 4 or 5 years. DD2 wants to move now lol.

    Cyndi glad it's official announced, fingers crossed that you find the perfect position.

    Ruth, my profile weight is a lie but I have not changed it, hoping for it be true again soon, working my way there.

    Okay I gotta run to everyone else. Tomorrow DD2 turns 8, so this is my Friday I am taking tomorrow off, need it
    Have a great day.
  • I guess I'll post this here. It is "morning for me as I've only been awake for a half an hour. My three year old was recently diagnosed with autism and he just doesn't get tired until the wee hours so we end up sleeping in.

    I was here for a little bit a year ago, then dropped off the face of the internet. I feel like I'm gaining, but haven't had a working scale for MONTHS. Decided I liked it that way, not having to see the numbers. I just never replaced the batteries. Well, my husband got sick of that (he diets off and on too) and got a spring loaded scale so that he could have one that works. Standing on it has gotten me thinking I should quit eating like I'm on phase three and try to lose weight again.

    I am mildly depressed and crazy busy trying to deal with my son's diagnosis of autism, and more than ever I realize that I can't deal well with this whole ball of wax unless I am as healthy as I can be. The weight loss that is shown on my ticker is partly baby fat after my 20 month old was born. In other words it was stuff I never expected to come back anyhow. Now, at 190 pounds I'm at the part where it actually will be work to lose. I don't have much hope in losing the rest, but I must have some or I wouldn't be here. Guess we'll see what happens.