Hello everybody! (First serious weight loss attempt here)

  • Hello (again)!

    I'm seventeen, and naturally very impulsive...so you know what that does to your weight. I'm fairly big, but I don't consider myself unhealthy (people think I play sports)...but I'm so close to that abyssal point of flabbiness that I've decided to at least try to eat less (I overeat when bored particularly), exercise more, and drink more water. I'm not ridiculous in the amount of weight I want to lose, but I'm not sure if I really can take it alone. That's where you guys come in.

    You all seem pretty cool, kind and supportive here--I don't get much support from my family since it's pretty much a fending-for-self attitude here--and maybe that'll be the final 'push' I need to lose some weight. Plus, I'm not quite sure where to begin so I feel pretty sad!

    Thank you all for reading, and thank you even more for a helpful comment.
  • Hey Tatiana, I'm new too and only a year older than you. Welcome
  • Hi there =)

    I think that aiming to eat a little less, drink more water, and get in extra activity is a very healthy-minded thing to do.

    You have those ideas in mind, so when you say you don't know where to begin, perhaps you can pick one of those three things and put your energies there to start.

    Drink more water... that's easy enough, right? For a week or two simply focus on replacing your usual drinks with water. =)

    Moving more... that actually can be easy enough, too! Stairs instead of the elevator. Walking once around a building before entering it. Aiming to take a stroll around your neighborhood each afternoon. Or finding a sport or activity you've always wanted to try, and trying it out.

    Eating less... this is different for everyone, but for you I'd suggest quite literally eating less. For example, at dinner, aim to leave a little something leftover. Maybe even cut the meal in half or only eat 2/3rds (Please do eat the veggies and fruit, though! They aren't as many calories, and pack a lot of nutritional punch.) Or when you catch yourself going for a snack when you're bored, tell yourself that if you're truly hungry you can have something in 20 minutes. If 20 minutes go by and you still want something, fine, but sometimes after 20 minutes and a glass of water... you find you aren't really as hungry as you were before. It wasn't true hunger.

    Those ideas are just to start. MOST importantly, keep in mind that you aren't aiming for perfection. You're just aiming to be a little healthier each day. So if you do eat something you didn't want, or happen to have a drink you didn't need, don't needlessly beat yourself up or give up. Just let it go, and do better at the next meal.

    You can do this! Best of luck!
  • Hello to you too, Whitefeathers! (It's nice to see a fellow very young person here.)

    And Lovely, well, that was a lovely answer. I'll keep the little things in mind, and I've already went to the anti-binging thread for a little support. I do actually love veggies and it won't be tough eating more.

    Plus, I do drink too much skim milk+diet soda (I know it's not really "diet" soda, and that it's fairly bad for you). So I need to cut out soda mostly, and replace some very light (watered down) juice with it... *drones off*

    Ha, sorry about that; I'm mostly making a to-remember list.

    PS: the zombie survival thing is real clever. You're lucky you have a goal in mind though, and here I am just wanting to shave off some pounds blindly. Okay, another note to self: get a real goal.
  • Quote:
    And Lovely, well, that was a lovely answer. I'll keep the little things in mind, and I've already went to the anti-binging thread for a little support. I do actually love veggies and it won't be tough eating more.
    Yay! Make yourself at home.

    Plus, I do drink too much skim milk+diet soda (I know it's not really "diet" soda, and that it's fairly bad for you). So I need to cut out soda mostly, and replace some very light (watered down) juice with it... *drones off*

    Ha, sorry about that; I'm mostly making a to-remember list.
    Make lists all you want. There are threads all over the place about people's thoughts and plans about the journey. If talking over some of the changes that you want to make helps... then by all means!

    PS: the zombie survival thing is real clever. You're lucky you have a goal in mind though, and here I am just wanting to shave off some pounds blindly. Okay, another note to self: get a real goal.
    I think you do have a real goal. The goal does not have to be number oriented. Granted if saying "My starting goal is 10 pounds" and that helps keep you motivated as you work towards losing 10 pounds, then again, do so

    Glad to see you posting!
  • Welcome, Taitiana!
  • Update/confession: Hmm...the day after I introduced myself, I woke up to the first donuts I've seen in months.

    I binged. A lot. I didn't break the 2k cal mark counting up all the stuff I ate in the day (I've seen insane 4k cal binges people confessed about on this site)...but still. It was a lot of mini donuts. I made up for it by doing a hardcore chore...pulling weeds in the backyard for half a hour. (Much tougher then it sounds, honestly.) And I couldn't update that day due to a certain someone stealing this laptop.

    Today...well, wasn't good either. But at least the donuts were gone (heh...), and I didn't do anything really out of the ordinary (still pretty bad). Then my mom got me skittles, and they were there, sitting in front of me. I could not stop myself even if I wasn't hungry OR even wanting them.

    Tomorrow, I'll go to my mom and actually say to stop getting snacks. And I'll do more work outside, for longer hopefully.

    Anyhow, thanks Budgetbaby for the nice welcome.

    And Lovely, thanks again for the helpful advice. Though I still half-agree with the goal thing.

    (I'm going to go off to find other threads to roam now, so it's alright if you guys stop posting in this one.)

    Edit: Oh well, thanks Mishflynn for the welcome.
  • Hi & welcome.I lost my first big ton of weight at 17, sadly doing the same again now, but in a better way.

    Good luck chick!