Advice plz

  • OK after having looked at my vital statistics I am seeking advice.
    My main prob is my hips. They are 58inches. Compared to my waist being 40inches and my bust being 47. Just wondered if there are any exercises that could help me try and reduce my hips to bring them inline with the rest of my body. I hate having to buy skirts and trousers just to fit my hips and being to big on my waist.
  • They say that there is no such thing as spot reduction but i don't know about that the only thing i could suggest trying is squats they're supposed to shape the bum (but my thighs are killing me ) which would help.
  • Hi Leigh

    You really can't spot reduce those hips - sorry!

    Your body prefers to store its fat there and nothing you can do will change this. In order to lose those 'saddle bags' you will have to wait until your weight loss programme (exercise and eating) persuades your body to use up those stores of fat!

    So how to get rid of them quicker? Do more of any kind of exercise, both aerobic and weight work will increase your metabolism over both the short and long term (if you do it regularly).

    I am sorry that this isn't much help! We all know we should do more exercise and eat more healthily, but it always comes as a shock when you realise that that really is the answer, the whole answer! If you want a range of exercise to do watch out for my 'homework' post in the near future. It will include seated and standing workouts for all the major muscle groups that can be done with little or no equipment!

  • Thanks Stef, that will be really useful.
  • Ty all
  • Homework sounds good.

    I need anything that is going to help get me up that mountain this summer