Red Team Summer Meltdown Exercise Journal Week 5 (6/27-7/3)

  • For an effective weight loss program it is important to incorporate exercise as well as making better dietary choices. While any kind of exercise is good for you, it has been proven many times over that just cardio or just strength training isn't the way to need to have a combination of both, with a little bit of core focus as well. So as you plan out and track your exercise this week, be sure to get in 2-3 strength workouts and 2-3 cardio sessions. And don't forget about those abs! Copy and paste the follow format and come back throughout the week to edit your original post. Let’s get busy!!

  • Monday- 1 hour walk
  • Sunday- 4.64 miles and 1 hour Tennis
    Monday-2.44 miles
    Tuesday- 45 min. CrossFit, 4.48 miles, 45 min Tennis
    Wednesday- 45 min Tennis & 2.69 miles
    Thursday- 30 min CrossFit, 2 hours Tennis
    Friday- 2.18 miles
    Saturday- 2.39 miles 35 min. Tennis

    Challenge = 713 min. Sat.
  • Monday- Cardio Power & resistance + C25K training Completed 15 mins/Completed
    Tuesday- Cardio Power & resistance + C25K training Completed/Completed
    Wednesday- Cardio Circuit + C25K Week 2 training Completed/Completed
    Thursday- Cardio Recovery + C25K Week 2 training
    Friday- Cardio Power & resistance + C25K Week 2 training
    Saturday- Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs
    Sunday- Rest
  • Planned:
    Monday- 30 Day Shred, 30 minutes in the office gym
    Tuesday- 30 Day Shred, 30 minutes in the office gym
    Wednesday- 30 Day Shred, 30 minutes in the office gym
    Thursday- 30 Day Shred, 30 minutes in the office gym
    Friday- 30 Day Shred, 30 minutes in the office gym
    Saturday- 30 Day Shred
    Sunday- 30 Day Shred, weed eat the entire yard

    Monday- 30 minutes on the office treadmill (1.5 miles, speed 3.0), 30 Day Shred Day 5 (20 minutes)
    Tuesday- 30 minutes on the office treadmill (1.5 miles, speed 3.0), 60 minutes on the office treadmill (incline 1.0, 3 miles, speed 3.0)
    Wednesday- 30 minutes on the office treadmill (incline 1.0, 1.5 miles, speed 3.0), 2 hours swimming laps (1.3 miles), 30 Day Shred Day 6 (20 minutes)
    Thursday- 30 minutes on the office treadmill (incline 1.0, 1.5 miles, speed 3.0)
    Friday- 30 minutes on the office treadmill (incline 1.0, 1.5 miles, speed 3.0)
    Saturday- rest day
  • Planned
    Monday- 30DS (level 2) and C25k
    Tuesday- 30DS (level 2)
    Wednesday- 30DS (level 2) and C25k
    Thursday- 30DS (level 2)
    Friday- 30DS (level 2) and C25k
    Saturday- rest
    Sunday- 30 min walk

    Monday- no exercise
    Tuesday- no exercise
    Wednesday- week 2 C25K (x 2 to make up for skipping on Mon); 30DS (level 2)
    Thursday- 40 min walk (2.1 km); 30 min on treadmill; 20 min 30DS level 2
    Friday- 20 min 30DS level 2; week 2 c25k 30 min
    I have no excuse for Mon and Tues I was just being lazy. I was dissapointed with last weeks weight loss and pouting.