Getting back on the bandwagon...

  • Well... haven't lost weight in the past few weeks... but I haven't gained really either. So that's good. Still at 208... but I'm still losing water weight from camp.

    So yeah... the whole "dress to fit in" thing worked for me... so I'm in the process of trying to find a size 8/10 dress from modcloth for me to goal fit in to by the time I start school this August.

    Kinda wish I had a gym to work out in... I like gyms. I'm not a huge fan of doing stuff at home. BUT... I don't have a gym.

    Anyone know if there are any good exercise videos on netflix? Preferably the "instant" watch... but the DVDs sent are OK too... so yeah...

    Back on the bandwagon again... we can do this guys.

    (Oh... and having a guy to want to look good for helps too... )
  • Glad you're on the wagon, again Best of luck with finding a lovely dress to have around for goal!
  • Try YouTube. I get yoga routines and ab workouts from there.

    Good luck!