Low-point muffin recipe?

  • So apparently, Tim Horton's muffins are made by the devil himself. I always knew they *had* to be high in fat/points, because...well, I mean, LOOK at them. They're practically half the size of my head.

    But they're so good. I am a huge chocolate chip muffin fan. So I was less than thrilled to find out that each muffin is 12 points. Eek.

    Anyway! I am looking for a low-fat, low-points muffin recipe. Specifically, for chocolate chip muffins and bran muffins. I've found plenty of "low-fat" recipes online, and I'm sure they are, but the problem is that I want to know how many points they have, and none of the recipes I find are giving me that.

    So does anyone have good recipes for low-point chocolate chip/bran muffins? Share!
  • Hi Snoofie, I bought a muffin mix at Superstore that turned out pretty good. It was the Blue Menu Apple Cinnamon Bran Muffin mix...it calls for water, eggs, and oil. I used the water, egg whites and mashed banana in place of the oil (about 1/3 of a large banana), I used medium liners and 1/4 cup scoop..they are not huge muffins but they are 3 points each and delicious!! The package says it makes 12 large that would be probably 4 pts each...I highly recommend trying them!
  • skinnytaste.com has some low point muffin mix. There is one that has 5 point chocolate chip muffin (they are yummy and easy to make)