Weirdest way you have lost weight?

  • Sorry if this has been done before, but was curious to know if any has used different, weird, left of centre ways of losing weight?
  • Yes. Eating delishous foods until I'm satisfied and enjoyed rich desserts such as pumpkin pie (my new favorite), muffins, cookies & cakes! Lost 60 lbs painlessly that way. No starvation, no foods off limits. Fruits, veggies, nuts, legumes...the whole 9! I also ate a cheat meal once/week (chinese, jamaican, pizza carryout). Who knew you didn't have to starve or eat carrot sticks and tofu to lose weight and get healthy?
  • getting a divorce!
  • joyfulloser, do tell! Are you doing "intuitive eating" or the program described in French Women Don't Get Fat or something else? I need details!
  • Not sure if this counts, but while I was living in France, for the last month I basically lived on eggs and merguez, with the occasional tomato and baguette. Now, Paris is filled with delicious food that I love, but I was so worried about how heavy I was getting that I decided in that one month (in which I was living entirely on my own with no social group to take me out to eat), I would go extremely low carb and low calorie. Well, it worked. My husband was stunned when I got back -- but moreso that I'd been living in Paris without indulging in all the great food that was around me.

    Of course, I gained it all back...
  • developed gallstones and a fear of eating (as soon as I would figure out what to eat something else would cause an attack).

    I also lost 20 lbs when I had my tonsils out and had a reaction to the pain medication and was on a pure liquid diet with no surgar for a month. However the day I could handle eating real food I ordered a small pizza and ate the whole thing by myself
  • Had to have my tooth pulled and could only eat soup for 2 weeks lol.. lost 15lbs. who knew the key to weightloss was to be toothless
  • I has tonsillitis for 10 days, and didn't eat anything for like 7 or 8 of those days except bites of warmed-up applesauce or hot tea, because my throat was so tender and my lymph nodes so swollen. That, and the fact I was newly married and living in my in-law's house (and embarrassed to ask for food) caused me to lose around 15 lbs. Of course I gained it all back later when I came back to my mother's southern cooking and big portions.
  • The post-surgery diet. I had to have surgery a few years back for something entirely not weight related. Afterwards, I couldn't eat barely eating for over a month and definitely nothing rich/fatty/salty/fried. I ended up keeping a lot of those habits and was a vegetarian because of it. Then I got pregnant aftewards and, well, gained it all back.
  • I got gastritis (inflamation of stomach lining) and could barely eat for about a week--lost 15lbs in about 7 days.
  • Quote: getting a divorce!

    Also, I lost weight when I camped in Canada by myself and I ran out of food.
  • I got thrush and couldn't keep anything down for two weeks until the doctors correctly diagnosed me (they at first thought it was mono and gave me antibiotics, which just made the thrush worse). I was literally puking up water if I drank it. I also was running a high fever most of the time. I lost 20lbs in 2 weeks that way.

    Also, camping in the grand canyon, hiking 12 miles in and 12 miles out of the canyon every other day or so for a week and eating only what I could carry. Lost 15lbs in a week.