I need accountabilibuddies & help

  • Hi. I was here at 3FC last summer as I attempted the Medifast program. Unfortunately I got sick on it and had to quit (Dr pulled me off after bad test results) then my mother entered hospice and I spent 2 months away from home helping to care for her, and then spent a winter not doing much for myself after she died. Result is, I bounced back up from a low of 162 to 178

    I am back down to 170 right now after starting a combination of CC and Slim Fast (my go to drink or snack bar for convenience and to make sure I am getting some extra nutrition)

    But this is HARD! Figuring out what my calories per day should be is very confusing. I have been anywhere from 1000-1200 per day but have been advised that this is too low (?). I am 5'3" and I do either 30 minutes low intensity workout on the treadmill followed by 10min of sprints alternating with walking OR I walk 3 miles outside every day. I should say that I lost the 8lbs in one week which I know is too fast but I anticipate that a great deal of it was shedding the "water weight" that I have read about and that my rate of decrease will slow down.

    Here is today's food log so someone, anyone, can pick it apart.

    B- 1 slimfast high pro choco shake made with 1 scoop powder, 8oz skim milk and 1/2 cup frozen blueberries (240 calories)
    S-1 wedge laughing cow lite with 8 Kashi TLC original crackers (95 calories)
    L-4 oz turkey breast and 2 cups romaine with 1tsp olive oil (180 calories)
    S- 4oz non fat greek yogurt, plain, with 1/4 cup fresh blueberries, 1/4 cup fresh strawberries and 1/2 tsp lemon curd (115 calories)
    D- 3.5 oz chicken breast, 5 oz potato made into a "twice baked" with 1/2 cup non fat cottage cheese, 1 cup chopped broccoli, 1 wedge laughing cow ( 430 calories *note I had to divide this in 2 and eat half as an evening snack because it was too much food)

    1060 calories and I am stuffed I am using the calorie count from About.com because I also get a "grade" on the meals to help me stay on track nutrition wise and the numbers correspond to the numbers on my products but could they be off? Because yikes this seems like a load of food!

    So what am I doing wrong?

    Also, would it completely nauseate people if I logged my days here and asked for feedback? I want to lose, of course, but I want to be healthy and safe about it too and I think having people "in the know" work with me on this would help.

    Thanks! (my name is Lisa, btw)
  • Lisa sorry for your loss. There is an Accountability thread that you would get major support on from the ladies there. So no one would be nauseated if you logged your food because that's what they all do daily

    back ... I do think your calories are low because when it comes time for you to maintain you won't have anything to lower then to. Also you should never eat less than 1200 calories per day and you also can add some because you do exercise.

    I love your menu also, I do a slim fast shake when I am pressed for time but I would much rather do a protein shake that I make myself, pretty filling.
  • I think if you're full it is fine staying a little lower some days, there is no way 1200 cal a day can be the magic number for us all, I try to stick to that number and I'm 5'7. You're menu for the day seems very realistic.
  • Is the accountability thread in a different forum? 'cause I couldn't find it here

    I did find the one for daily calories and I think I will join in on that.
  • It's Daily Accountability Lifestyle Change - Everyone Welcome-6/13-6/19 it's under Weight Loss Support. I actually need to start back to posting there so I can get my meals back under control. Best of luck to you H82Sweat. I'm sorry I don't know how to do the link. Let me know it you find it. Hope to see you again on the threads.