New..kinda :)

  • Hi Everyone!

    My name is Lisa. I've done south beach before and did really well on it. But then I got off plan and gained all the weight I lost (and then some)

    For a while I have been ignoring the fact that I could possibly have insulin resistance. I don't have health insurance so I haven't been to the DR to confirm it, but all of my symptoms I have point to insulin resistance, which could also explain my fertility problem.

    I'm hoping that now that I see my weight is actually affecting my health maybe that will make me more focused and determined and help me stay on plan.
  • , Lisa!
  • Welcome, Lisa. Nice to meet you.
  • Welcome Lisa!!

    I am insulin resistant and currently on Metformin. You are right in that this time, the weight loss is for our health "Or" we can ignore it and become full-blown diabetic. Plus, you have a win-win situation by resolving the fertility problem when you lose weight. Good luck....hang in there and stay OP.