Restaurant Anxiety

  • So due to the lack of a job market in Tuscaloosa right now, I'm back home for the summer with my parents. My parents like to go out to eat once a week, which is something I really haven't done lately at all. This evening, we're going to a Mexican restaurant. There aren't many healthy options, but I do plan to do a few basic things like ask for no cheese or sour cream, avoid the chips, and not eat anything deep-fried. I LOVE Mexican food, but honestly, I'm extremely nervous because I just KNOW I'm going to take a hit on the scale tomorrow.

    Can someone please just remind me that one night out is not going to undo an entire week of strict dieting and exercise? Do you guys get super nervous before going out to eat?
  • Hi. Well remember its "ok to cheat, but not to quit" so one day out is ok. We will all have events we have to go to where unhealthy food will be, its just about making wise choices if you can. As you said avoid sour cream, etc. Drink a glass of water instead of a soda/beer. Just do the best you can. I have a few events coming up in a few weeks time that I cannot avoid, so far I have tried to isolate myself from these and knuckle down, but think of it as when you reach maintainance (note I said when, and not if, stay positive and focused) you will have to encorporate these back into daily life, and find ways around them. Use this as a test almost to see can you refrain from the temptations as best as you can, and think of how much better you will when you wake up the following morning and think, ok I ate this and that and I shouldnt have - But It could have been soo much worse and I was strong enough to say no to other worse items, and you will actually feel good for doing the best you could, and rightly so. One meal and dinner wont change anything, a few extra calories is all, but if you get back on track then there is no harm done at all. you might even have a good night and enjoy yourself.

    Maybe dont weigh yourself tomorrow, give yourself an extra day off the scales. That way if you are up tomorrow (you wont see it on the scales), you will be down the next day and it wont feel as bad as seing you are up tomorrow. This way you can cheat your mind into thinking, hey I didnt put on anything, I stayed the same.
  • Thanks for that. I needed a reality check, I think.

    I feel like I did ok, as I avoided high-fat/calorie condiments and fried things, and I was really surprised that I couldn't even eat more than half of my meal and had to take it home. I used to be able to eat the entire thing in one sitting!

    Plus, I got in my workout today, so if I gain any it will be minimal, but I'm still going to stay off the scale tomorrow morning.
  • Thats ok, and good that you did ok. At least it will give you confidence with future events that you can control yourself and not give into temptation. Plus you got your workout done today and staying off the scales might be good. Personally I dont weigh myself daily, only once a week at my consultation. I find it fluxuates everyday, and sometimes when its up you feel bad and wonder. So I avoid it and just see the weekly change for the better. But its every person to their own, theres a thread somewhere on the site about how often we weigh ourselves.

    Just out of curiousity, what does your workout consist of??
  • I'm currently doing the 30 Day Shred (middle of level 1 right now) every day with a group on here, and just in the 2nd week of Couch to 5k on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It's not too strenuous now, but I'm trying to make sure early on that I get in the practice of eating enough of the right foods so that I actually get stronger rather than losing muscle to too much exercise later. I did not do that the first time around, and it was probably my downfall.
  • i get really nervous going out to eat too because even if i order healthy i can't see them making my food and think what if they screw up and use butter/oil etc. plus i can't be sure how many calories are in stuff. even when you go to a rest and the calories are printed i never trust it, always think what if it's wrong??? paranoid i am, just a bit.

    whenever i go out to eat i usually order a salad and i always bring my own bottle of dressing.

    and yes, one day going out won't ruin a week of dieting.
  • My hubby INSISTS that we eat out once a a restaurant where the majority of their dishes are over 1,000 calories PER MEAL! I'm on a 1200 per day allotment, so it's nerve wracking! I keep my restaurant meals in the 400-calorie range by halving the meal--eat one half, take the other half home. Some places you can even order half-portions or lunch portions. It helps that the restaurant he loves is Applebees, whose nutrition info is readily available for me to dissect...
  • I don't get nervous going out to eat at all. One night isn't going to kill me, and one night isn't going to blow me up into a fatty either. I find if I obsess about weight loss I gain instead of lose, I have a carefree mentality and it works wonders for me. No need to depress myself over it.