Why don't I see the new me?

  • I'm currently almost 30lbs down. I'm wearing a size 9 for the first time in my life. And I just bought a bunch of size Small shirts. I started off this time last year wearing 18s and an XL. I thought that 7/8 was my goal size. But now that I'm almost here.. I feel like there's no difference in how I looked. The past 2 sizes have gone with the last 10lbs, so I think it's coming off of my thighs now. But whenever I see my reflection in doors or windows walking up to places I immediately ask myself 'Why do I look like such a whale?'

    Even my boyfriend said earlier this week, "It's kind of ironic now that you're skinny you spend most of your time talking about how fat you are." I don't know why I can't see a difference. Maybe it's because not a single person has mentioned my weightloss? If I hadn't told my mom and my bf they wouldn't have said anything either. Even now, if I don't tell them I went down another jean size, they don't even notice. How do I see the difference that there obviously HAS to be after how much I've lost..
  • It's definitely hard to see it in yourself. I've seen people post about how if you take before pictures that help. I didn't cause cameras were NOT my friend at my highest weight, and at the time I did not want to remember it, either.

    My suggestion would be put on a pair of your size 18 pants. I did that with my size 28 pants, and could fit in one pants leg!
  • I agree - photos of yourself with other people you know (as a reference point) will hopefully help do the trick! Congrats on the loss, by the way!
  • There is a real, biological reason for this. It relates to how your brain processes visual information to determine what you "see".

    The brain is optimized to quickly recognize things that it sees often, to reduce the mental processing required to process visual signals from your eyes. So it does something called "pattern recognition and completion". Basically, for items you see all the time, your brain quickly recognizes key features of that thing, and fills in the rest of what you "see" from memory. That means that things you see all the time (like your body!) are stored in memory, and what you "see" is really a combination of what is actually in front of you and what your brain remembers. So when you look at yourself in the mirror, which is something you do every day, you don't necessarily see changes right away, because your brain is literally filling in that image from a memory of when you were larger. Eventually, your memories get replaced with the smaller you, and you start seeing the changes, but it does take some time.

    This is why looking at photos is so helpful. You don't see photos of yourself as often as you see yourself in a mirror, and the perspective/size is different, so your brain doesn't have as many memories to fill in and actually sees the image as it is.
  • Also, just because people aren't saying anything (Although, didn't you just say your boyfriend said "now that you're skinny"?) that doesn't mean they don't notice. Personally, I would never mention another person's weight unless they brought it up. It's not polite, IMO, to make comments on other people's bodies. I don't like it when people do it to me, so I don't do it to other people. People who see you every day aren't going to notice as much as people you haven't seen in awhile.

    I also agree with comparing photos. That really works.
  • I am not trying to lose weight to please anyone but myself, and maybe my doctor. I am sure people have noticed the loss, but do not comment, because they have seen me go up and down many times, or they do not feel it is socially acceptable to comment on another's physical features. I get pleasure from other things, like when I tried to buy a LARGE tee-shirt for a fundraiser, and the woman at the desk asked me if it was for me, and when I said it was, said, "Oh, honey, these are men's sizes; EVEN if you like your shirts large, that would be too big. I will show you a small and a medium,and you decide." THAT, in my opinion, is a day-maker~~~~
  • It's nuts how the mind works, huh? What I do is take out a pair of pants I used to be able to wear and try them on now. Or I'll do the classic "hold them up in front of you" in front of the mirror thing. And pictures. Doing side by side before and after pics really helps me. It took me a long time to no longer see the phantom fat. It was literally one day where I woke up, looked in the mirror and said, "Wow. That's me!". I still have my days, believe me, but they are fewer and fewer. I still freak out about pics though. I always expect the double chin factor when that was, actually, the first to disappear when I started losing weight.

    Long story short --- you aren't crazy.

  • I've tried the pictures and the trying on old jeans.. and that does work for maybe like a day or two.. but then after that I keep getting down on myself. I really hope my brain starts seeing something else soon..
  • Perhaps for now you could just focus on the healthy part of losing weight? I'll bet you can do so much more now and your body probably feels so much stronger! Why not just continue with that and put the physical aspects aside? Also, do take some photos as you continue on this journey because that can do a world of good. Once you reach your goal, re-evaluate how you see yourself. If you've been at your goal for a few months and you still don't see a difference, I'd suggest seeing someone like a therapist about it. I've heard that can do a world of good.

    Finally, I'd like to add that most people don't comment on other people's loss because that implies that they thought the person was overweight to begin with and they don't want to bring up a subject that might make them uncomfortable. Other people may not say anything due to jealousy. Some see you every day so they may not notice as much. I have a very good friend who never notices and that's because she simply doesn't focus on my body but on my mind and personality. There are a multitude of reasons but really, you need to do this for yourself or you may never be satisfied with how the world reacts to your physical appearance. I know because I lost weight before and became addicted to the attention and when I didn't get it, I gained the weight back. It wasn't the only reason and it wasn't conscious but that was something that didn't help me at all.
  • It's weird i was having an image issue yesterday.. I look at my legs and i see the difference. I looked in the mirror and I saw no change about me from being 220 pounds. It's weird but you'll be ok!!!