No June Gloom on the Scale! Daily weighing thread pt 1

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  • forgot to weigh in before church this morning. was gonna do it when we got back, but we decided to go to hubby's mom's house for lunch and visiting... i felt like a kid. we fed old bread to a huge group of geese that came up the creek behind their house.

    so no weigh in again, but today's breakfast was MUCH lighter. only 175 calories... some strawberries and blueberries with sugar (i even counted the cals from the sugar packet!), and newton fruit crisps. lunch was a pack of ramen (the whole thing = 380 calories) with only half of the flavor packet to reduce the crazy amount of sodium. but i did add half a tablespoon of butter to them...

    i snacked on 3 mini tootsie rolls, and a fiber one brownie too (a whopping 35 + 90 calories), which still leaves me with approx 1000 cals for the rest of the day. gotta drink more water though, i've only had 1 bottle...

    hoping for a good weigh in tomorrow!
  • Hello Everyone

    starbrite hope you had a great Sunday also

    Bloesem for a nice whoosh

    Diana yeah staying the same was much better than a gain but oh boy today

    Ona good for you always keeping it positive, always the right mindset Thank you ... LOL I know that's the sucky thing about having little ones they'll sit there and stare so I figure pick'em quick get all the gunk off and let them take it from there. And I'm sure it's all sodium also, I just love that hot crab season and I add hot sauce also, the spicer the better. And I am 100% with you on the second family, I talk more about you all (my inspiration) than people I see almost daily


    Angie good job on the .8 down. Thank goodness no pain this morning from bowling, Bill said I must have been holding the ball wrong since my lower back on one side was sore but rest took care of that Wish I knew how to quilt sounds like lots of fun and I'm sure it would be something the kids would cherish

    Mandy good job on the calories today, for a good weigh in tomorrow, Don't Forget

    Gale and Jami I blew this weekend for sure (shaking my head at myself)

    hello to everyone that hasn't checked in this weekend or today ... miss you all

    Well I had a not so much of a surprise weigh in, I'm up 1.8lbs to 175.6 but I had to go to the bathroom as soon as I got home from church so I weighed after and I dropped the .6. But I've just had a snacky kind of weird weekend. DH had chip ahoys out and I couldn't resist. I had been looking at them since yesterday and if he had just put them up I would have passed them without a thought because he puts them up high. So 320 calories wasted. But before that I cooked breakfast like I always do after church and pancakes were calling me, another So today's calories were 1588 probably more, lots of carbs. We had spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner to add to it. I don't have any regrets because I enjoyed everything that I ate and I know that I can and will do better. I've also only had 40ozs of water so far so I'm working on that.
  • Angie Congrats on the .8! You can send some rain our way! We are in a bad drought right now and could use it.

    Mandy Hi

    Rennie I don't think that calorie range is bad at all. Maybe you did better than you think you did.
  • Just wanted to pop in to say that I did not WI at all this weekend. Felt like I didn't do well at the fundraising dinner on Friday night. I don't think I had nearly enough calories yesterday and what I did have wasn't all great, but some of it was. I kicked myself into gear this morning and it's been a great OP day so we'll see what the scale has to say tomorrow morning! Whatever it is, I'll deal with it. I stocked the fridge with plenty of healthy things. My brother came over today with a bad case of the munchies and was surprised that I didn't have any chips but when I have a bag of chips in the house, I lose all sense of portion control and end up eating the whole bag, it's horrible!
  • kukkie - i didn't weigh in at all this weekend either!

    i forgot yesterday, and then today my plan to weigh in after church (to keep the time the same as typical) flew out the window when we went to the in-laws' place for lunch. fingers crossed that the scale is nice to us tomorrow haha.
  • Thanks Diana, according to this doctor I am seeing I am supposed to only have 1200 calories and less than 20g of fat a day. I am rarely succeeding and even with what I eat it's still not enough. Again with me thinking this is a waste. I'm still looking for my original journal. I want to do exactly what I did last June/July and see how things go. I wish I could find the old accountabiility threads everything is on there. Also I think I may have found a new walking partner, just need to coordinate our times. And while reading through the threads I think I may join one of the TOPS groups here. Have you heard of them or know of anyone that is a member of one? Thanks

    Kukkie and Mandy for great weigh ins tomorrow

    I drank one more 20oz bottle of water but that's it for a total of 60ozs today. I don't want to be up all night so better luck tomorrow.

    Good night everyone!
  • Rennie - just an idea, but if you click on your own name above your avatar, there's an option to "find more posts by.." not sure how far back it goes, but you may be able to find your own posts from the accountability threads from that time! Worth a try!
  • Morning
    Down 1.2- crazy TOM does crazy things to the scales at least two weeks before he comes. I'm sure thats why I lose in the second half of the month !!
    Have a super monday (Day off for me National holiday )
  • Good Morning, Everyone! Let's make the most of this week!

    Calories for yesterday: 1515

    Weigh In: 145

    Up: .6 Gotta love TTOM, right? NOT!

    Rennie I was also going to suggest searching for the previous posts under your name.

    starbrite Great weigh in! Enjoy your day off!
  • Thanks Kukkie and Diana I"ll give it a shot though I think I tried that before but it didn't go back that far scratching my head.

    starbrite good job on your 1.2 down, Enjoy the holiday

    well not back down to my low this month but close 1lb down to 174.6. I really need to stop messing up so I can reach my goal of getting out of the 170's this month

    Have a great day everyone
  • May 31 - 272.7
    Goal for June 30 - 268
    1:274.0; 2: 273.8; 3: 272.5; 4: 270.9; 5: 271.2; 6: 272.1; 7:272.5
    8: 271.8; 9: N/A; 10: 271.4; 11: 269.8; 12: 269.8; 13: 269.8
  • Rennie Is this what you are talking about?
  • Hi everyone! I read this thread daily you all are a great motivation.

    Rennie - I found the threads you were looking for. I used to be an admin on a childrens forum and I got pretty good at researching.

    June '10 accountability

    July '11 accountability

    Looks like Diane found it while I was still researching.
  • Rennie yay, now you have more tools at your disposal! No excuses now

    starbrite enjoy your day off!

    Diana so TOM finally made its appearance, you know that 0.6 will be gone in no time.


    Facing the music this morning, weighing in at 202.5, but fully clothed - I don't know why I did it that way, but oh well. Here's what else i'm doing this morning.. don't laugh at me... I'm trying Oatmeal for the first time! I bought the Quaker, Weight Control version, and it wasn't bad but it got kind of gummy and I'm thinking maybe I should have added a bit more milk, or lessen the time it was in the microwave. Any ideas?
  • Oh my goodness, Thanks you so much envelope. I could only find as early as July ... I hope you all don't mind me saying I LOVE YOU GUYS.!!! I don't want to keep paying a doctor that's not helping me and I did it last year with you all so I know with your support I can do it again. I just can't seem to get the food right. Diana I even saw where you had given my so many suggestions, not just you but most everyone. I cried so many times about plateaus and you all helped me. Thanks Kukkie, Diana and envelope you all are treasures

    LOL Kukkie, I'm 45 and I just tried oatmeal for the first time last year Glad you like it, the texture makes me gag like crazy, I tried to just swallow it without chewing and I couldn't do that either. And you are right no more excuses for me