Cravings, Eve's Curse, and a Request for Motivation

  • Alright, we women can't get a break when it comes to handling our hormone changes during various times of the month (sorry guys) and managing our quest to be healthy AND oh yeah, maybe lose some weight while we're at it? Yeah, we all respond differently, but usually there's the water weight gain, ridiculous cravings, sometimes extreme hunger even if we HAVE been eating normally.
    I experienced extreme hunger and chocolate cravings yesterday. I have left over mini chocolate Easter bunnies available at work at the front desk and had one (proud of myself for stopping at just one), but when I got home, I dug into the jar of Nutella that is reserved for my husband and might as well have licked it clean (it wasn't full...), but I had way more than a serving size!
    Got on the scale this morning, gained another pound (two since Sunday)...thought it would motivate me to stick with healthy choice making, but no, the ugly number has a hold on my ability to reason and prevent that ability from helping me feel better.

    Gosh, point is, my motivation to make healthy choices is sagging. It's not gone...but it's slowing down...reason says it's due to hormone fluctuations and water weight gain, but alas, it doesn't make me feel any better.

    Any pointers you ladies have when you experience this? How do you keep going? How do you make yourself feel better? How do you NOT beat yourself up???
  • Ugh, I am experiencing the "bottomless pit" feeling of TOM that I get one day a month. Usually it's the day right before TOM, but this month it is the day after...I am just famished!

    Just keep your head up, drink lots of water, and try not to succumb to the goodies! Sometimes I literally have to tell myself, "you're not going to die" if I feel hungry and want to cram something down my throat. Hang in there, and don't beat yourself up no matter what you do.
  • It always feels like the world is going to end when your period comes around (diet-wise, at least), but keep in mind that a week or so from now, you will NOT be feeling this way, the water weight will be gone, and the cravings will be lowered to a dull roar. Don't beat yourself up so much for tiny little splurges. We all do it, and your future self (think 2 months down the line, and 10-15 lbs lighter) will be MUCH happier that you stuck with it.

    Since you're closer to the beginning of your weight loss journey, I'd suggest taking some before pictures now, so you don't fool yourself into thinking that nothing has changed after you lose your first 5-10 non water weight lbs. I made the mistake of not doing that, and now 35 or so lbs later people are telling me how good I look, but I just cannot see it, even though I look like a different person, according to others.
  • I completely relate. (Currently actually) The last 4 or 5 days I KNEW it was coming because I've been so hungry. I've really learned that it just takes willpower. I don't have to give into the cravings and I don't have to let it get the best of me. I know why it's happening so I just have to think about other things, drink some hot tea and wait it out.

    Yesterday the chocolate monster was attacking and I just thought about how far I've come and how important it is to get where I want to be, so I DID NOT open the bag of chocolate chips and I had a vitatop instead.

    If you do lose the battle, just try to remember that it's just a slip up and you get to choose how to react. One mistake doesn't have to lead to another. Hope it gets better. =)
  • Oh, and you've got all the support you need here . Feel free to whine, complain, and moan, because most of us have been in just the place you are in right now.

    In fact, I've been waiting to get my period for a few weeks (it was wacky last month and I got it twice), and even as a non-chocolate lover I find myself wasting 50 calories here, 100 calories there on crappy pieces of chocolate.

    Try some jello sugar-free chocolate pudding packs. They're pretty tasty for only 60 cals, and help give you a chocolate fix. Dark chocolate emerald almonds are also delicious, but have more potential to get binged on. (About 24-26 almonds for something like 150 cals)