SBD Daily Chat, May 18, 2011

  • Good morning friends!

    I really don't like to start this thread - I'm not sure why but it's a silly hang up of mine. Waiting around hasn't been working so well lately though - I've had to leave for school before the first post so I bit the bullet this morning. Newcomers, don't judge the rest of the thread by my humble post!

    We've got another rainy day ahead but for now there's a break in the rain and it smells so nice out there. The grass is so green and my pink tulips are in bloom and the pollen..... well I won't talk about the pollen. The rain is due to continue til Sunday, but it's not a steady thing. We've been able to get the kids out on the playground a few times and I walked in a light mist yesterday afternoon, so it could be worse. I'm praying there will be a long break in the rain on Friday afternoon, for Naomi's funeral.

    I've added a few artificially sweetened items back into my diet. Stress makes me want to overeat and it's just too hard without low calorie junkie stuff. I'm back on the SF Jello and flavored yogurts, and I'm going to pick up a package of Dentyne gum this afternoon. This is a stressful time of year at school anyway, but the budget cuts and things are making it harder than ever and personal issues/sadness on top of that is really running me down right now. I feel like I could eat from dawn to dusk!

    I hope our vacationing ladies are relaxing and getting rested up.
    Have a great Wednesday, friends!
  • Big hugs to you, Heidi. I know it's a difficult time.

    Well, we are now in Day Five of rain. My rain gauge shows 6" since Saturday and the dog yard and the back garden are underwater again. The yard guys came to cut yesterday and just laughed. The sump pumps aren't chugging away right now which means the basement wetness is controlled or else the pumps have burned out! I'll check later.

    The Mill is now open for the season and we had our first big bus tour yesterday. Three new students are still being trained but look good - we are calling them the 3Ms - Melinda, Megan and Marika! One is very fluent in French which is great once she masters the technical terms.

    No car today as I returned the rental yesterday afternoon. I hope to get it back this morning and really need it as I have pet therapy at noon and a meeting at 2:30 about a project my minister "voluntold" me for. I really didn't need anything else on my plate this busy week but she was in a bind.

    Now I need to do something cheery to get me out of this blue mood I've fallen into. I may put on the raincoat and go out and pick a bouquet of purple and white tulips with some pink bleeding heart. I might even figure out the camera and take a picture!

    Today I plan to ditch the blues and get myself in the pink! After all it IS Hump Day!

  • Heidi, you did a great job of getting us started. I don't like to start the Daily either, so you're in good company. I hope your spirits start to pick up soon. The sun will eventuallly come out.

    Ruth, we're in Day 4 of the rain, but like Heidi, we're getting breaks in between at least. It sure does look gloomy out, though. I'm glad the Mill is back in business and I want to make sure I take The Tour this summer during my visit. I hope you have enough tulips to make several vases of flowers for the rooms you spend the most time it.

    We getting a break in the rain right now, so I want to run out to the garden to get some salad makings. Good thing I have raised beds or everything would be under water.
  • Good morning Yesterday we took advantage of one of those breaks to walk on the beach. Of course it started pouring on our way back but at least we made it down there once A good friend came up from Boston for the night so it was a fun evening. Today we are heading North a bit to look for more birds. We are just resigned to the rain and making the most of our time here.

    Happy Hump Day friends!
  • Good morning!

    Heidi - Hang in there! I couldn't handle cutting them out completely; it made me want stuff so much that I ate all sorts of other things instead!

    Ruth - I'll be looking for that picture! Sounds cheery. Makes me remember I need a new avatar.

    Linda - I wish I liked to garden; I'm envious that you can go out and get stuff like that.

    Cyndi - Bummer about the rain but it sounds like you are enjoying yourselves despite the uncooperative weather.

    My older son made it home safe and sound yesterday. He has a friend with him for a week. She seems very nice; too bad she has a boyfriend. She'll be one of my son's housemates this fall so it is nice to get to know her. Turns out the teen has very little in the way of "real" tests for finals but has to keep going in anyways. Today he gets out early and tomorrow is earlier.

    I'm working out with my mom today since I can't on Friday. Not sure what else since we want to see if my son wants company to entertain his guest. And this morning I am testing out my new ovens with thermometers to see how the temps are and if I need to calibrate things before I do more party baking. I've only made green beans so far and it seemed to cook those hotter than my last oven.

    Off to get some tea. Catch you all later...
  • Good morning,

    Heidi - glad you are recognizing your stress and how to help yourself.

    Ruth - I keep telling myself that the weather could be worse and I am safe in my home. Hey, my best friend's name is Marika.

    Cottage - your own salad must taste delicious.

    Cyndi - a rainy vacation is better than being at work, right.

    Karen - what kind of ovens did you settle on. Too bad she has a boyfriend, my youngest son has so many nice friends and they all seem to have boyfriends.

    me - I'm compiling a list of what flowers I will plant. The nursery I go to is about an hour's drive from home and with the high price of gas I will only make one trip this year. Ruth, its Humber Nurseries. Will go on Thursday morning, even though I doubt there will be any planting this weekend but want to hit the store before the long weekend (Victoria Weekend) for us here.
    take care
  • Morning everyone

    Well for once I can say that I was glad to see the rain. DH and I spent the past couple of days out in our pasture pulling (with heavy gloves) up the big purple thistle. They only come up roots and all when the ground is soaked so that explains why the rain was welcome. We have been fighting the "thistle war" for years now and are slowly winning, however, may never get rid of them completely as our neighbors aren't quite as dilligent. Anyway, it's a good feeling that they are once again gone from our pasture and our two little donkeys can just eat away without worrying about sticky thistle.

    Heidi, thanks for getting us started this morning. You are too hard on yourself. Your post was just fine. I think you've made a wise decision adding back in a few sf items. After all, we are all human and can just do the best that we can at any given moment. Sorry about your stress/personal issues/sadness but remember, it too shall pass given enough time. Just hang in there.

    Ruth, great attitude! Good luck ditching the blues and hope your car finds it's way home this morning.

    Linda, Karen and Cyndi

    Well, time to get my day going. Will make a run into town this morning to pick up more donated books and to mail a few. Then need to make a quick stop for groceries. After that, who knows. Later.
  • Good afternoon, ladies. No time for personals...just wanted to come say hello. Still on a natural high from my Warrior Dash weekend. The entire group PLUS 3 more have decided to sign up for the TN Warrior Dash in September. I get paid tomorrow and will be signing up. That means I need to find somewhere I can practice climbing a 20 foot wall between now and then, LOL

    Hope everything is well w/ you ladies. Miss you guys!!!
  • Quote:
    Karen - what kind of ovens did you settle on. Too bad she has a boyfriend, my youngest son has so many nice friends and they all seem to have boyfriends. Sophie
    We have a freestanding electric range, got a Whirlpool, it has two ovens - a small one on top of a larger one with convection.