My "secret" amusement

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  • Quote: The reason why I don't tell any of my coworkers is because I don't want Cindy to find out that I have access to her FitDay account and then she changes her password.
    I think this is the most telling part of your entire post. Maybe an intial look our of an insatiable human curiosity once you found on it was there. But now, you don't want to stop and you're intentionally doing things that would remove any risk of making you stop (i.e. "Cindy" changing her password).

    Second, I think it's wrong that you would tell others how much she actually weighs if it weren't for her knowing you had her FitDay login information. Even if she tells people she's 130, it's her decision to tell and to (perhaps) look foolish for lying to others. It is not your place to out her.

    You may not like her and that's ok, but there's no reason to invade her privacy. Even if she gave her log in information to you once, there's still a reasonable expectation of privacy and rights (this happened with a man who found out his wife was cheating by checking her email that she gave him the password to... she's now suing for invasion of privacy!)

    You seriously need to stop, delete all passwords and log on IDs of hers. There is zero good that can come of this for either you or "Cindy."
  • This whole thread bothers me a lot. I find it hard to visualize anyone getting amusement out of this kind of "spying."
  • It is nobody else's business what weight she is, and that includes you. Especially you, since you are privvy to her information that she trusted you with and you're using it maliciously, a way to look down on someone. It's not fair or right. I am not religious, but I do follow the golden rule. Would you want someone to spy on you? Respect is something you have to give to get. This isn't respect. I know you guys aren't on good terms, but that doesn't give you the right to spy. I wouldn't feel comfortable with my most supportive friends spying on me only to laugh at me later. She's got no obligation to be completely honest about her weight. I used to lie about mine. Did that make me bad, or something to laugh at? No, just insecure-like everyone else in the world is about something. I sure as heck don't tell people what it is now. Just delete it and have done with it. This is bad, bad stuff.
  • Quote: As to how you're harming her, regardless of your current relationship, you are betraying the trust she placed in you. Right now (because she doesn't know about the betrayal) this damages you more than her - it makes you the kind of person who will betray a friend when the friendship is over....
    Kaplods, You have certainly yanked my thoughts out of my head and put them here through your fingers.

    There was a time when I had my FitDay account set so people on here could view it. That was my choice and my choice only. There were times when I would ask people to look at it and help me. Again, my choice and my choice only.

    How would you feel if she did that to you?
  • A few words from your post stand out" I get a sick pleasure " and the other is " I know that I am twisted ", these say a lot about you. If you think you will get sympathy here you are looking in the wrong place.
  • I agree...not cool at all to spy on anyone for any reasons.
  • Wow. That's just. . .mean.
  • I believe it lies with closure. Like someone else said, you need to talk to your friend/ex-friend. I have a similar relationship with someone. They used to be a wonderful friend, but now they've sort of turned into a frenemey (at least from my point of view). It can be heartbreaking to watch a once healthy relationship deteriorate over time, but doing things like this makes you dwell on the negativity, and transforms you into another person also (one that is bitter and jealous and mean). I should know, this has happened to me, and it's not at all pretty.

    My advice then, is to just delete it. If your relationship isn't worth saving, forget her and move on.
  • Ok - I get everybody's reaction and totally agree with the "back off" reaction. However, when you already don't like someone and you know you're a good person, it is human nautre to "Aha!" when your nemesis does wrong.

    Her frienemy is a total bullsharter. She knew that long ago and now she sees it for real.

    Now that you know. Delete, let go, move on. But also never forget that your gut was right all along. A gut feeling is often never proven and this proof is pirceless. However, once you've seen's worthless.

    But I totally get where you're coming from.
  • I think the OP may have her answer. I think the best course of action is to respect the privacy of others.