SBD CHat - Wednesday, May 4

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  • It's Hump Day and we're plugging along sloshing through the rain and mud around here.

    Drove to a meeting down muddy country roads last night and was darn glad I wasn't driving and that Paul has an SUV. We were actually having the wheels spin on some of the hills. The parts where the road goes along the edge of a cliff were particularly scary. Luckily it was dark for the drive home!

    Today I am off to the gym and then will have some down time before I go to town to do a follow-up evaluation on Jake and his handler. I need to measure Jake for his official scarf. He's huge dog and will need a custom-made one. Too funny!

    I'll be scurrying home fast for an early supper as there is a Horticultural Society meeting at 7. (That is such a snobby name - let's call it the Garden Club!) I made my infamous rum cake yesterday and will take it - I will not slice it at home as the crumbs would be too tempting.

    So how does your Hump Day look? Slippery slopes or smooth sailing? (Now that's a mixed metaphor!)
  • Good morning Ruth! The rain has been outrageous here as well, it will be interesting to see how high Spring Creek is this morning. So far, no more water in the basement though!

    Off to work, and then maybe a run. It's spirit night at Chick-Fil-A for our children's school, so that's going to be fun! I've learned to get the small chicken strips alone, and a small cole slaw. Not perfect, but not horrid, and still yummy!!

    Have a DRY day!
  • Rain, rain, rain.

    Ruth, I'm sure glad you didn't have to drive last night, as that sounds pretty scary! I hope the ride to your Garden Club meeting is in town so you won't have to deal with a similar situation tonight. Now tell me, how can you resist picking off a few crumbs from that luscious rum cake?

    Twynn, have a good day!

    Off to Susie's this morning, and chasing after the workcrew with a broom and dustcloth this afternoon.
    I hope your day is more exciting than that!
  • More rain, more long work days, there's a light at the end of the tunnel and it's less than 48 hours away! Here's to an easy transition to the slide into the weekend.
  • Well it sounds like we're all having the same kind of morning - one that involves rain...I much prefer walking outside than at the gym, so I certainly can not wait until we get some sunny days! Work and some spring cleaning here today (usually my apartment doesn't get too messy, but I've been cooking so much now with the new lifestyle that my kitchen has really taken a beating!). Also a lot of errands, and a weigh-in at Weight Watchers (I stick to South Beach, but go to WW meetings for accountability and extra support). Hope everyone has a lovely (and not TOO rainy) day!
  • Rain? Is it raining? Oh heck yeah it is. Generally I do not mind, but we are gearing up for the City Championships for the high school Ultimate team next week, and practices keep getting cancelled. BLARGH!

    I have the day off tomorrow, and am looking forward to CLEANING my house when no one is in it. One would think perhaps having other people around would help, but NO WAY - the 8 year old does actually try to help, the 11 year old rolls her eyes, and the DH wears his muddy cleats in the house. HMMMM.

    Be well!
  • Good morning!

    Teen is out the door for AP exam number three today: calculus. One more tomorrow and the last one next week. I've spent the morning so far working on a letter that parents write for teens to be given to them on the bus they ride to graduation. So hard to find the perfect things to say. It's due Friday so I have a bit of time to play with it.

    Might get on the bike again today; yesterday DH was not feeling great so took a long nap in the afternoon and that pretty much shot our biking momentum. Tonight he and I are seeing the play "Rock of Ages" since my mom, who I usually go to that stuff with, is still on a cruise.

    Hope everyone has a great day.
  • Good morning,

    We don't have rain here for a change, hopefully things will dry out. DD1 had her Senior night at soccer and lets just say my shoes were a muddy mess when we were done.

    Plugging along and trying to get a million things done. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
  • Oh enjoy Rock of Ages Karen, I've seen that show on Broadway and thoroughly enjoyed myself. You'll have to let us know what you thought of it!
  • Yep, rain. Postponed the morning walk until lunchtime, hopefully it will dry out by then, if not, I've got a poncho.
    Someone hit a hydrant on Main yesterday and we were without water until a little while ago. It's back on now, but we have to boil it until further notice. At least we were able to shower!
  • Good Morning

    It IS sunny here ...I think we had this rain system late last week. I slept in and now need to go up and get DH squared away on a new machine he got for his birthday. He's a music lover and he will be able to record his old albums and cassettes onto CDS.

    Have a great day everyone...I've got an OP day planned.
  • Good morning, ladies. Just popping in to say hello real quick before I head to bed for the night (uhhhh, day???). Just got home from the gym w/ the bestie...hitting it again tonight w/ my OTHER bestie so I can try to whip her into shape for the Warrior Dash. Only 10 more days!!! WOOT WOOT!!!

    Hope you ladies are doing well. I'll try to pop back in for personals later on tonight.
  • I'm gonna start posting in this bad boy!
    Good day ladies- I'm finally over the switch to P2 plateau and finally saw a 2 lb. weightloss this morning. It makes it so easy when you understand the body and that THINGS TAKE TIME.
    Everyone have a great day! Spring is finally here, thank god.
  • Hi Ladies! Im new to South Beach and the board, and didn't know where to introduce myself. My name is Shelby and I am on Phase 1 Day 2.

    Everyone's ticker speaks volumes and I hope to share in your success!

    By the way, the sun finally broke through today so if your east of TN hold on it's comin!!
  • Hi Shelby and

    If you'd like you can post a separate intro thread or just jump on in with us. That's what I did! BTW-there are lots of times during the late afternoon that this thread gets pretty slow.

    Best wishes, Shelby!