Just hide the scale, ladies...

  • Is there anyone else on here who just can't stay off the scale in the mornings? I mean I suppose it doesn't hurt anything, but it can be sort of taxing sometimes when it's a turn for the worse after even your best day.

    I am moving in with my DF/future DH soon and he came up today to take a bunch of my random crap that I don't need a moving van for. I included in that my precious and amazing scale (I paid a small fortune for it and love it dearly since I started losing)... which means I'll be going almost two weeks without it!! I'm sort of a compulsive weigher, which sometimes is rewarding but also sometimes psychologically trying with the random water retentions here and there. I rarely go more than 4 days without weighing myself. However I am totally ready for the next time I hop on the scale to start with a "27-" so I think it's good rather than just watching it slowly oscillate down to there.

    I've tried to hide the scale in places I can't reach too well, like underneath in the center of my bed, but I will always still fish it out. I am hoping I can go the next two weeks without the reinforcement of the scale to keep me going.
  • i weigh daily, usually right before i eat my first meal, on my wii fit for the line chart it displays. i love seeing that graph march down hill.

    and like you, i was super excited when i saw 27X on the screen the first time. 279.5 it showed me. and the next day 278.2, today 276.9. (a week, and several off plan meals and snacks later). i'm keeping a daily chart for my doctor, my next appointment is in late june and i want her to see my progress.
  • I set up a diet calender on excel so I can keep track of everything, plus I have a livestrong daily plate account that i update and the slim fast site, which both have the little graph things so yeah, i'm a little obsessed too. I weigh every morning, but only record every other day and have a special weigh in day with a weight vs goal chart on sunday. I am the queen of overboard when it comes to my weight. lol It might be good to be away from your scale, like a little mini scale vacation. Plus it'll be a pleasant surprise to see the BIG loss instead of just little losses every time you weigh. Good luck!
  • I have scale-phobia. I weigh myself once every two-three-four weeks, after I have squeezed into something I could no longer fit into or after something feels loose. I only weigh naked, after a bathroom visit.

    I had lost 17 pounds several years ago on WW, but the weekly weigh-in did me in. I could not take it. Staying the same or gaining absolutely devestated me.
  • I too have a love/hate relationship with my trusty scale. I weigh in daily and at times it can be both motivating and wearing. I tell myself all the time I am not going to weigh in today or I will try weighing in weekly starting tomorrow and I just don't listen to myself.

    Maybe I wont like weighing in less frequently once I try it but I at least want to give it a try. Maybe I will have my boyfriend hide it from me...
  • I'm also moving soon and I realize I may be scale-less for a week or so. I plan on seeing what that does for me and if I do well I might try to just put the scale away for longer periods of time
  • I have similar feelings too. Jeeze, I sometimes weigh myself multiple times a day..
  • I love weighing myself in the morning. If I weigh less I do a little happy dance and mentally calculate how close I am to my next mini goal. If I weigh the same I tell myself "great job at maintaining but try harder today". If I weigh more I try to figure out what I did differently ( what I ate, exercised harder, didn't exercise enough) and change up my diet or exercise regime a little.
    I spent so much of my life NOT on the scale because I hated the numbers that now I want to be accountable to myself, and the best way is to Weigh!