A proud me moment

  • Okay so I'm on day five and I'm having a CRAZY day. After getting to work an hour late for various reasons I decide to go to lunch with a co worker. She was going to take me to get a salad and she was going to make another couple stops. This was doable but as my day is going...NOT HAPPENING. So of course I'm without any lunch and hungry. I didn't eat what she was eating because I've been doing so well. Thankfully my husband came and he is on his way to get me a salad so I don't go off plan. I did consider grabbing something from Wendy's but I just couldn't because I thought about how hard I've been working to stay on plan . I'm so glad I did it.
  • good for you. So hard to stay on when hungry and surrounded by off plan foods......argh
  • Well done! Every time you resist the temptation to give in to wrong eating, you are a stronger person!
  • congratulations!!! self control is key!
  • Good Job!! I have to continually ask myself...is it really worth it to ruin all my hard work for a few bites of something Im not supossed to have?? Its not worth it!!
  • Great job! Sadly, I would have caved.