The Firm Tapes

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  • I am new to the site and new to The Firm Total Body Sculpting set. My best friend told me about them last week, and highly recommended them. I went to Target that day and bought them and did the Cardio Sculpt when I got home. It was a great workout and I thought for sure I would be sore the next day since I haven't worked out for so long. Just walking around I didn't have any soreness but when I used the muscles I could feel a slight soreness, which I love that feeling because I know that it worked. This will be my second week and I do feel better already and have no doubt that I will get results if I stick with it.
  • Hello
    We'll I got the tapes last week & did the first workout... My legs were killing I know I got a good workout. I know I will get results too, If I just stick with it... that's my problem though... I always seem to lose interest, I don't know if I lose interest, I think I just don't find the time. But I want to succeed at this, so I'm going to get up tomorrow morning & workout again...

    The info commerical says you see results in just 10 workouts... So i'm going to give it my best shot...
  • Hi All:

    I agree that The Firm provides a great workout. I ordered the set from QVC and got 4 videos (Cardio Sculpt, Body Sculpt, an abs video and also a lower body video) along with the two-part fanny lifter. It is quite a workout and everything that the infomercial says about the fanny lifter is true. It really does work. Plus, I really like this Firm series because you can start low/easy and add weights and more height to the fanny lifter as you get stronger, which is fantastic.

    To Thininside: The Firm is so much harder than WATP it is not even funny. I went from doing the WATP videos to The Firm and it's hard to even compare the two. If you haven't exercised at all in a while and are really out of shape, definitely go with WATP becaus The Firm will be too hard and you'll probably get frustrated and quit, which happens to me if I try to take on too much. Also, the Firm is pretty intensive on the knees (lots of lunges, squats, and stepping up on the fanny lifter), which I know prevents a lot of people from doing it. That's something to consider.

    I would recommend getting The Firm series if you think that you're ready for it. I've had mine since Christmas and have seen some really good results, but like with any other workout system, it's hard and requires commitment. Keep that in mind before you spend $90 dollars on this series.
  • One thing I've noticed the new firm tapes don't tell you how to do that the old firm tapes used to, is you can use a stick (or a broom) to balance yourself during lunges. Also, don't try to over do it. If you can only do 5 lunges, then do 5 and build up. Also you can use a shorter step than the 14 inch step on doing some of those exercises.
  • Hello Ladies

    You all are so right on the lunges & squats... they are hard on my knees so i'm only doing what I can. But I really love the upper body workout. Do you know if they have a tape that focus on the upper body?
  • Calories Burned?
    Does anyone know how many calories The Firm tapes burn? Specifically the Cardio Sculpt one? I really like it, but I want to know how many calories I'm using during that workout!