1st official weigh-in!!!

  • Ok so today was my first official weigh in with my coach!
    Her scale showed a 7 pound loss, my scale shows a 10 pound loss!
    (she weighed me on Wed, and I didn't start IP until Sat. so I weighed myself at home Sat morning, which was 2 pounds higher then my weight on Wedd)
    Anywho.. either way it's a great start!!! Im excited and can't wait to see what next week brings!!!

    WI-1:# -7 (im going to use coaches scale)
  • Congrats on a great week!
    my scale never matches either so I just gave up weighing myself at home !
  • Thanks! I am still struggling with my cravings for junk/carb foods My kids have all their Easter candy out and I couldn't take it anymore, so I had to have my IP bar! If I didn't eat that I would have eating Easter candy!! UGH!
  • Nice job!!! One of many more successful weigh-ins to come, no doubt!!
  • I forgot to add:
    I lost 1" off my chest, 2" off my abs and 1" off my hips!!
  • Amazing! my scale and the coaches scale are always different. Mine always says I am lighter.

    Ip is amazing! keep up the good work!