Sarge's No Excuses / Boot Camp To Beach Weather #4

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  • Peanutt - 20 minutes?!?! By the end of this week?! Whoa!!!! I don't look ahead on the program, just download the podcasts.

    Great job on your Friday run, by the way!!!
  • Sarge loves smack down challenges! Way to put one out there Peanutt, "why not start today?!" and K3 doing the double loop as a result!! YES!!!

    Sarge done with round 1 and has brushed the cobwebs off tennis racket. Used to be a fairly competitive player but stopped 7 years ago. Starting a 6week program today with 16 beginners. With wearing bifocals now this should be interesting. Stories to follow!

    Keep those butt-er blast furnaces churning peeps! We don't care if you stoke them with runs, bikes, walks, slogs, shreds, weights, stairs, hula hoops, trampolines, kettle bells, jumpin jacks, stealth maneuvers or whatnot...just DO IT!

    P.S. Peanutt -- 5k! BOO-YAH!!!!
  • Quote: Peanutt - 20 minutes?!?! By the end of this week?! Whoa!!!! I don't look ahead on the program, just download the podcasts.

    Great job on your Friday run, by the way!!!
    Yup, day 3 of week 5 will have you walking 5 minutes and then running 20 minutes! You're gonna rock it!
  • Just Checkin' In
    Quote: Sarge loves smack down challenges! Way to put one out there Peanutt, "why not start today?!" and K3 doing the double loop as a result!! YES!!!

    Sarge done with round 1 and has brushed the cobwebs off tennis racket. Used to be a fairly competitive player but stopped 7 years ago. Starting a 6week program today with 16 beginners. With wearing bifocals now this should be interesting. Stories to follow!

    Keep those butt-er blast furnaces churning peeps! We don't care if you stoke them with runs, bikes, walks, slogs, shreds, weights, stairs, hula hoops, jumpin jacks, stealth maneuvers or whatnot...just DO IT!

    P.S. Peanutt -- 5k! BOO-YAH!!!!
    It's trampolilne and kettlebell day here! I have also decided to attack bedroom#3. It is going to be my new hideout/office/writing room. Scary to even look in there right now!
    I'm not sure what's going on. First, easter candy starts tasting terrible. Now breakfast looks like too much food. I have never left anything on my plate except the napkin. I guess it's OK. I feel alright.
    It is delightful to see the lively and encouraging energy on these pages. I think I need to check in more. - feel like I miss things! J
    I am cheering for each and every one of you!
  • Hey gang, just checking in.
    It feels so good to be back on track, and back in the gym. Working out keeps my sugar/carb cravings in check and since I was a slacker last week--my cravings were starting to get intense! I noticed immediately after working out that they were going away. I was already down a pound when I got on the scale this morning so I am confident I will meet my loss goal. Cleaning the house today then off for an hour at the gym--I think I will even get a pilates class in today.
  • I can't hear you...

    I don't know what you've been told.
    Meltin' Butt-er never gets old!
    Sound off. One! Two!
    Sound off. Three! Four!

    Double time it troops! Hup...hup...

    YoYo & Lucyf--Aerobic housecleaning!!!
  • Chesire- I LOVE storms!

    Kendra *jealous* I never could hula hoop....

    sarge ROFL, LOVE that!

    peanutt - YAY!!! ran a 5k thats awesome!!

    *giggles* you can do it k3ll3y!

    Patchwork....aren't those things murder? I tried to set one up once and almost threw it out the window!

    jojo- oooh trampoline sounds fun!

    just checkin in atm, I hadnt planned on making exercise a priority this week, this damn illness wont go away..but I am way better today than last week, might steal my sisters exercise bike! I barely made it to 5 mins when I tried it a month and a half ago, wonder what I can do now? hmmmm. It just feels weird to not be doing anything......right i off to find good music then ill decide. Later troops!
  • Completed day 2 of the 30 day shred program. Im in so much pain! I've also hula hopped for about 15 min so far through out the day. I read somewhere that o ly doing it for two minutes at a time is the most effective so... That's what I'm doing

    I plan to play dance central for an hour at some point tonight after I get my homework done. I love trying to beat my highest scores and not letting any of my friends that play be higher than me on the leaderboard. Yes, I'm competitive like that

    Hope everyone is burning lots of calories today and sticking with their plan! I almost didn't do my shred today because of my legs already being sore but I pushed myself! I sure hope it gets easier to do as the days go on!
  • Quote:
    Kendra *jealous* I never could hula hoop...
    Later troops!

    Why not keep trying? I used to never be able to and randomly grabbed a hula hoop and gave it a shot at walmart the other day when my mom and I were shopping! We both were surprised that we COULD do it when we never could before!!
  • Right, so I did go on the bike, I made it to 16:11 without much effort at what the bike said was 17-20 mph, which I think is wrong but eh, the time is better than last time. I did about 5m which is the distance from here to class hmmmmm...thinking....can I find an actual bike? o.0
  • I did 50mins of a circuit workout DVD with body part supersets, alternated with cardio, then repeat! I was happy that I could match the instructor's weights because I remember last time I did this workout I couldn't. I also did 4 loads of laundry. and am about to beat up a bowl of bread dough!

    Dreamer, this one {a Taylor} was fairly simple. Weigh, age, gender and "normal or athlete'. It has memory settings for 12 {!} people so we have Hubby set up as normal on one and athlete on another. Just not sure what to do with this information. Seeing a downward tread would be interesting.

    Lucy, how interesting about the sugar/carb cravings!
  • Penguin doing aerobic circuit training laundry!
    Dreamer biking! (BUT I just read about your choc bunny chomping too!!! Did Sarge not warn you!!?!?!?!)
    Kendrab shredding, hula-hoopin' and dancing!
    Lucyford gymming & pilating!
    Yoyo trampo-kettle balling!
    Peanut, Pokey & Cheshire running!
    K3 double loop walking!
    MadamB shredding, crunching & bad a** rain running!

    ALL SWEET MUSIC TO SARGE'S EARS (except for the choc bunny)!!!!!

    Back from tennis! Yeesh, when it goes, IT ALL GOES! They had us doing warm up exercises too. You all remember the Iraqi soldiers attempting jumping jacks?!?! That was me! What a riot, but good for another 150 or so calories today so ... FUN!

    Keep at it troops. HUMP DAY tomorrow! Time to kick it up a notch!

  • Two days into getting back into the routine! Yesterday with my trainer he really gave me a good workout! An hour with him and I was literally dripping sweat, and then I did a mile walk for my "cool down."

    Today I did 5 miles on the bike and 2 miles on the treadmill. I was planning to jump rope after the gym but it was pouring so hopefully tomorrow.

    Also really considering adding JM 30 Day Shred to my routine after the gym!

    I really WILL catch up on personals, I promise! Been so busy... last week it was spring break and the older kids were with their mom so I used all week to catch up on the projects i had for myself around the house: Painting furniture, painted the side door and trim, cleaning, laundry, fixed my fireplace, cleaned the garage, planned and drew out plans for building a bench in the garage (turning it into a man cave for my bf!)... so much more but I can't even remember it. Ahhh feeling accomplished but stills o much to do before bf comes home!
  • Finished the double loop. Now to make some dinner :-)
  • Shortened day at work today, did my walk and going to do a bike ride shortly, kept cals at 1100 so far so should be able to stay on plan today.

    JayTee this one is for you. Good luck, should be a good game.