Hungry Again???

  • I had a pretty big dinner an hour and a half ago but now I am hungry again? I drank a glass of water because I thought maybe that would help.
    This has never happened before I usually would get hungry 4 hours later. I did skip lunch today because I had an iced latte instead but I dont know if that would be why or not
  • The skipping lunch might have something to do with it, yes. An iced latte isn't really a meal, especially if it's made with skimmed milk.

    What did you have for dinner? (What items, and what portion sizes?) Maybe it's not actually as big as it seemed, you know?
  • I had a chicken breast with mozzeralla cheese and a cup of spaguetti with red sauce and a salad with no dressing or crutons
  • How long have you been at this? If you usually don't skip lunch and have a meal it might have confused your body's "clockwork". Just sayin' cuz I go through that sometimes too. Do you usually have breakfast?
  • It could be the skipped lunch. Or it could be just be a particularly hungry day. Those happen.
  • It's probably the skipped lunch. I've been having a similar problem the past few days....because I've been skipping breakfast. By afternoon, all I want to do is snack. It's annoying and makes it hard to stick to my calories. Don't skip the meals. The days that I break down the calories (200 every two hours) I do fine and meet my calorie budget. So if you need to, try foraging. It's natural and keeps the 'hunger' feeling away.
  • I do have breakfast every morning and I had it today, I skipped lunch because the latte had 300 cals and I am doing calorie counting right now
  • Regardless of how many calories are in the latte, it's not a meal. Next time skip the latte and eat real food.