i need help! please!! any advice or anything


    well..im 20 yrs old and i would love to complete my personal goal to weigh 125-130 lbs for my 21st birthday.

    currently i am 173 lbs, my birthday is in november, so that means i have a little less than, 7 months to complete my goal..

    ive never really completed something for myself so i decided this can be one goal that i cant break..

    my current problem is junk food. my bf is very fit ( due to work ) and can eat anything and everything and not gain a pound.. ive cut back on food alot and dont eat as much but i cant seem to stay away from sweet things.. ill do real good with diet and exercise for a week or so then after that i guess i get lazy how do you keep yourself motivated?! what do u snack on without pigging out?! my boyfriend doesnt need to loose weight if anything he needs to gain a few pounds but what can i make for dinners good for both but he will still like ( note ) he is the junk food fein! pizza lazagna breads tortillas burgers steaks etc :| help me idk what to do and i really wanna be happy for my 21st bday..
  • I wish I had been able to lose the weight for my 21st bday so I know how it feels. You can do it though because you're not as far as I was to my goal. (and with the support on this site you'll do well )

    You said you've cut back on food a lot but how much do you mean? If you're eating too few calories your body might kick into starvation mode. For me, it helps to keep reminders up (like quotes and pictures) to keep my goals in mind. Snack-wise fruits and veggies do well and sometimes I just have a lil bit of lite cottage cheese too. There are websites that have great recipes for low calorie/ healthier versions of meals we all love. I'd suggest checking the recipes members here have put up too. I've also found that getting on here everyday helps to keep me on track most the time (I'm still new to all this so I'm still struggling a bit..I can't give the best advice but I'm trying! lol)

    I wish you all the luck and strength in the world oh and happy birthday early!
  • The biggest help I find is actually calorie counting EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth. Whether it's just an apple or a piece of cauliflower, or even a few potato chips.

    Do that for a week, without trying to restrict yourself (or trying to gorge) and you'll have a good idea of how much you actually eat and how you can cut back.

    For me, my biggest problem is during my work week, I would not eat during the day and then pig out all evening long at work. On the weekends, I would barely eat, or if I did, it was something majorly unhealthy like McDonald's or Church's, or any other crap food I could find. Whole lasagnas over the course of a night, etc.

    Now, I am forcing myself to eat throughout the day; healthy small meals and healthy snacks.

    There's this really great book called "The Hungry Girl" that has some killer recipes in it - all healthy takes on old favorites, with a chapter dedicated to "Guy food." You should check it out - some of the recipes are HUGE and the calorie counts are so small lol

    Cheers and GOOD LUCK!
  • I have struggled with my weight for years and ive been an extreme yo-yo-er, and i also, am addicted to junk, particularly cake, cookies, pudding, that type of stuff. so, for my news years resolution i decided that i was not going to spend another summer being self conscious and i wanted to wear shorts and dresses, go swimming, the whole nine. i have been overweight for the past 4 summers, soooo enough is enough, lol. my birthday is in july so i made that my goal and figured i had plenty of time. i have to admit, i have not really been doing the calorie counting but i have been cutting back the junk that i eat, i still eat it i just dont binge on it as much, i have been regularly incorporating healthier choices into my diet, veggies, more fruit, whole grains, lots of water. i also have been working slowly on managing my portion control because i was a definite over eater, and trying to control that has been working really good, i just have to be more mindful of how i feel when im eating and i have started to hate that yucky 'i ate way to much now i cant move' bloated feeling lol. i figure ive yo-yo-ed so much that i was going to take my time and make this a life style change that sticks, and so far it seems to be going well. but, the biggest change ive made was making exercise a regular part of my life. my husband is also really fit, has been all his life (he has no idea what its like be fat), so his influence does help, he's been trying to convince me of the life changing benefits of exercise for as long as we've been together but i didnt grow up in sports so i had a really hard time sticking to an exercise program when i started one. this year has been different, i think because i have not given up when i have a bad day, or bad week, im still trying to get over that 'all or nothing' mentality. i must say, after almost 4 months of jillian michaels vidoes and walking/running intervals on the treadmill, i am officially ADDICTED to exercise. i feel like my old teenage self and if i go a day with out it, even on my planned rest days, i feel irritable, fidgety, depressed, its bad lol, but also good b/c its very motivating, i just remind myself when i dont feel like moving, that i will feel 100 times better when im done, and have tons of energy. now this did not happen over night, its been about the last 6-8 weeks that ive been feeling that way, it did take some time to get adjusted, and i did gain 10 pounds the first couple months of the year (i quit smoking cold turkey so i think thats the reason i gained), but in the past 3 weeks i ahve changed a lot, i dropped 10 pounds and am at 158, but i am a waaayyyy more fit, smaller version of my old 158, i have muscle definition i havent seen in years and i am so siked about it and even more motivated. im sorry this is a book, it usually is when i write lol. in fact, i lost 4 pounds last week and did not even calorie count, and i am not starving myself, i think that all the muscle ive built from exercising for a few months has just megaly kicked into gear and upped my metabolism. so i guess my points are that, if you try to have patience (and i know its so hard trust me) and just do what all those other people say and try to slowly incorporate healthier things into your lifestyle, you will eventually get there. some days when i feel bummed that im not at goal yet, i just remember that all those other times i lost weight quickly it came back even faster and someone had a quoate that went something like 'this time next year, i will be glas i started today' and that stuck with b/c i can remember many many times that i thought, 'if only i ahd stuck that plan 6 months ago when i started i would be there by now' so i remind myself of that defeated loser feeling when i get down that im not skinny yet, lol and i am sure of myself now, because of the progress that i have made, that this is permanent. i now view my body as a machine that was meant to hunt for its food, that includes running, jumping, climbing, moving, so i am going to treat my body like it is biologically meant to be treated. that also includes eating more whole foods and less processed since fruits and veggies are supplied to us by the earth we were created on it just makes sense that its best to eat that, you cant pick hot pockets off a tree, right? lol. also, my husband also eats what ever he wants, but also supports my goals (after all, he would like a good looking wife) so i bought this cook book called 'the comfort food diet' i think by the taste of home cooking magazine people, it has all kinds of recipes that are like modified versions of home style cooking, and some other things, it even has a healther dessert section. i pick new stuff out of there and try it and what my family really enjoys something it becomes a regular. it does have a 6 week food plan i think it stays between 1200-1300 calories, i dont use that but you certainly could if you like. i highly recommend getting that book, it will help you and your boyfriend to commromise on food. oh my, i hope that you made it through this incredibly long reply and hope that you can use some of this advice. it all has truly been working for me and i feel great so maybe my approach, or some of it, will work for you too
  • @nmgirl, I'd say 7months is enough time to reach your goal weight but remember you really have to stay away from that junk food. A few things you can do...
    1. Drink 2-3 lt of water per day
    2. Start walking 20-40 mins 5x a week and maybe also join a gym
    3. Limit your carbs
    4. Increase your protein and fruit and veggie intake
    5. Have a cheat meal once a week

    But most of all, remember that discipline and consistency are key.
  • I think coming here is a great way to stay motivated! Check out the mini goal and goal pages, they are very inspiring. I look at pictures of myself that are unflattering when I need a little push to keep it up. And find something that you love to do physically- for me it has been learning to run. I have always wanted to be one of THOSE girls I see running all over town, and now I'm starting to see that I can be, and in fact I am (though I don't quite look like it yet :P ). As far as the diet itself, you will find your groove. What works for me or for any other person on here mint not be good for you and your life. For me, I started out very restrictive and it helped me drop pretty quickly but I was miserable doing it. But now Ive got it down. I try to eat a lot of protein, keep around 1500ish calories, and don't beat myself up if I go over, or even way over. In fact, times when I do 'slip up', I often see a decent loss within a couple days. Learn your body. It takes time, a couple months, but once you do you will find that healthy place you are striving for!
  • Thank you everyone for the advice, everything was very helpful made me think more positive about this challenge, im gonna be on here EVERYDAY lol to keep motivated. ill leave updates.. thank you again
  • I am a major sweet tooth too, so I allow myself 100 calories a day of chocolate. If you deprive yourself of it, that's when you are likely to do well for a week but then go on a major junk food binge a week later. Also, have one day a week that you aren't as strict about diet as the other days. This doesn't mean you should gorge and eat all the calories you didn't over the week, it just means you can have some more options that day.

    As far as being in a relationship- its hard to maintain your weight loss goals when you ahve someone around all the time eating whatever they want. Just because your boyfriend may outwardly have a nice body, that doesn't mean he internally is fit if he is eating the things you listed all the time. Perhaps ask him to take on this with you. Its not a diet, its a lifestyle change to help you both be more healthy

    My boyfriend is bulking, and I'm losing- but we eat pretty much the same things, he just eats bigger quantities. Yeah, he could gain weight by eating Big Macs all day long, but 1) its not going to be the "pretty weight" 2) his body would much rather bulk from healthy foods than artery-clogging foods.
  • From personal experience, the best way to break the cravings is to give up junky carbs/sugar completely. After a few tortuous days, the cravings diminish.
  • I started at 173 and i'm 5'0 also. I've lost 30lbs in 5 months. So its def possible. My boyfriend can also eat whatever he wants and still stays in good shape bcuz of work. Soooo annoying watching him eat an entire sleeve of Oreos in one sitting and never gain a lb...eh... My cravings are greasy appitzer things- Nachos, cheese dip, mozz sticks ect. I just decided one day that enough was enough and i was sick of being fat. Mind over matter. It gets easier and of course your gunna have slip ups. I go out to eat 1-2 a month and get whatever i want to stay sane. Good luck!
  • Me too!
    My 21st is in October and I want to be around the same weight as your goal. It was so hard to give up everything sweet! I love to cook and bake so it's really difficult, especially when you first start out. Like any addiction (and I am convinced sweet sugary things are an addictions) it's hard to kick. The first few days I was chomping at the bit, but giving up sugar and high calorie things was easier after a few days of not having any. I'm doing the slim-fast thing, and the snack bars are quite yummy and can help to cut the cravings while still having something yummy. Good luck and if you need a friend I'm in the same situation so feel free to message me!!!!