New hereeeee :) again.....

  • Hey everybody!!!! I have signed up on this site a few different times, and never really got seriously into it.. Now I'm 100% motivated to keep up with it, and to really get to know you ladies

    A little bit about my background..

    I was pretty skinny when I was little, I think I started gaining weight when I was about 7 or 8. I hate to say it, but I was definitely spoiled by my grandmother, and she would give me what I wanted, when I wanted. If I had known then what I know now, I NEVER would have wanted any of it.
    When I was 16 I decided enough was enough. I joined curves, and lost about 50 lbs. I finally felt good about myself, and I was at a good weight. About 3 months after I hit my goal weight, I fell & broke my leg. I needed to have emergency surgery and have a titanium rod and screws put in my leg. Anyway, long story short, I was laid up for about 4 months, not able to move really at all, had to be pushed around in a wheel chair. So I gained about 65 or so pounds. That was summer of 06 and I've been yo yo dieting ever since. I am almost 24 years old now and I'm sick of being like this!

    Right now I weigh 225, and my goal is 135. I want to be a good role model for my daughter when she gets older, and I don't want her to see her mom all big & huge & fat.

    I hope someone read this & I didn't bore anybody to death.. I am VERY excited to get to know some of you, and I hope this is the answer I have been looking for.

  • Hi!

    Your post is not boring at all - it is very inspiring!

    With that motivation (being a role model for your daughter), you are sure to succeed!

    I am on weight watchers and it works well for me. I don't like yo-yo diets, it toys with your metabolism and your health. It's better to follow a healthy, long term eating plan like weight watchers than be on one fad diet after the other.

    Why don't you check out weight watchers?

    Good luck with it all. I know we can do it!