Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - Everyone Welcome! Week of 4/18 - 4/24

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  • OMG my internet was down for the last few hours, you'd think someone stole my treadmill or my coffee or something. I was desparate for a fix, so the last few posts were from my phone I guess you guys keep me going more than I realize!
    Diana3271, I will think of you when I get the snackies today and I WILL be reaching for some veggies. I made myself a promise no pretzels and I will stick to it. Thanks for the suggestions. Never tried snacking on lettuce, but I may like that.
    DianaLa, being dizzy sucks, hope you are laying low today. Call your doctor, you will get under 200 either way, don't sacrifice your health for it. Great job on your weigh in too!
    Lindsey, those sound too good to be true! I am with Diana, I don't eat much soy either except in a salad dressing once in a while. Hard to avoid the stuff, I think it is kind of like high fructose corn syrup, it is cheap so they put it in everything.
    Andejean, that is the infection from ****! You are doing the right thing, rest up and let your body do its job.
    Surfergirl, stick to it, the scale will move. For some of us, it is not daily, but over time that we see losses.
    Sum, you are doing awesome. That is a lot of miles this month! I'm sorry the scale isn't responding to your efforts, but I know you must be in much better shape, even if the pounds aren't moving. Have you measured yourself? That soup sounds amazing, especially with the weather today!
    Lauren, I love a big breakfast too, but i have to sacrifice a snack and usually a lunch to have it.
    Pint, hope the rest of your day has been better than the morning!
    Got in my workout, burned 500 calories between a mile run on the treadmill and an interval workout on the elliptical. Did some squats and lower body weights instead of upper body workout, felt I needed them more. Working on the water thing. . . So far so good with the eating today. . .
  • LOL, JO!! -- I have been the same way when I go up north. My phone has this silly spell check, and I sound that I am on drugs....ha

    You are one determined woman. When are we seeing more pictures?
  • Quote: Hey LL, where do you buy that amino "soy sauce"? Bob Harper was on Rachel Ray yesterday and was making a veggie stir fry using that amino stuff. They said it tastes just like soy sauce but good for you and much less sodium? Forgot to check at the grocery store yesterday. Wondering if you have to get it at health food store or regular store? Thanks. Your dish sounds delish. Don't you love it when you find something yummy that is good for you too?
    I actually have no idea! It just in my fridge ... my roommate bought it a while back and I just use it somtimes, I'll have to ask her if she knows where she got it!
  • Had a great time at the c&o canal national park today. Lots of walking, some minor rock climbing with the kids and a picnic outside with friends. What a gorgeous day.

    Then I hit Whole Foods and grabbed a whole red snapper to grill. My first attempt at grilling a whole fish. I also picked up that amino thing llbold mentioned.

    Diana3271 what can soy do to those who are hypothyroid?
  • I've had 714 calories today so far....still can have 384 (according to livestrong.com). I went over by 32 calories yesterday. What a joke, huh?!?! 32 measly calories. Not sure what I'm gonna do for supper.....I want to watch sodium, though since I'm unofficially officially (?) not taking the fluid pill anymore. BTW diana3271, I go to dr. tomorrow at 2 pm. I'm very curious to hear what she has to say. First time I've been to Dr. since I began this journey (this time) in January. I'm really curious about what info she offers about my BP. I've actually been very emotional about getting off the meds today...almost cried SEVERAL times (well, because of that AND DD's possibility of A.D.D.--we have paperwork for testing now.) I know it sounds silly to be emotional about coming off the meds, but I'm really messed up about what it's gonna do to my loss on the scales and that nagging swelling feeling that I know will be inevitable. It's just generally been a very emotional day for me. Hoping tomorrow will be a better day.

    Edit: Okay I just checked livestrong for how much sodium I've had today. DEFINITELY NOT GREAT for my first day without fluid pill. 2320 mg (SO FAR....still have supper to go)....that's 176% of my daily allowance. I'm gonna have to be a LOT more careful!!
  • Linds: Congrats!!! You are soooo close! Those noodles DO sound too good to be true! I might have to try them though. I love love love pasta. We had spaghetti tonight, and I was BARELY able to stop at 2 servings!

    DianaLA: If I were you I'd get to the doc ASAP to get that fixed. Water weight is water weight. Don't get fixed on a number on a scale when your health is at risk.

    Berry: Congrats on the loss!!

    Andejean: Get better soon!

    I love all the support and "chat" here.


    My day improved vastly. After walking to my friend's house, and then to the gym, I did 40 minutes of walking on a treadmill. It had a "9 holes" setting, where it randomly increased or decreased the incline, and I did it twice on a 3.8mph setting. After that, we walked back to her house and did P90X and the Ab Ripper X. I seriously don't know if I'm going to be able to get out of bed, tomorrow, LOL!!!

    I made the mistake of substituting the protein shake/diet chocolate thing for breakfast, and by the time my workout was finished and lunch rolled in I was STARVING. Stomach growling, shaky, irritated HUNGRY. I got a 12 inch turkey sub from Subway (no cheese) and ate it ALL.

    So because of that, I just about went over my calories for the day. I came in at 1496. Again, I'm doing my best to over estimate to make up for inaccuracies. I'd rather over estimate than under...
  • Quote:
    Edit: Okay I just checked livestrong for how much sodium I've had today. DEFINITELY NOT GREAT for my first day without fluid pill. 2320 mg (SO FAR....still have supper to go)....that's 176% of my daily allowance. I'm gonna have to be a LOT more careful!!
    You and I are in the same boat Diana only I am much worse.
    1072 calories today but the sodium was 5728

    I have not paid a lot of attention to sodium in the past but my heart sugery has changed all that. It seems like all my low fat and low cal foods are sky high in sodium. The reverse seems to be also true if a food is very low sodium it seems to be sky high in fat and calories.

    I need to find out how to get all three nutrients low including low cholesteral while at the same time increasing my protein Well no one told me this would be easy

    My scale was 2 pounds higher this morning and I am sure that it was because of the high sodium I had yesterday. My calories were low yesterday.

  • Larry, I have the same problem, something is always out of whack with my food. If I try to lower one thing, another goes up . I am no doctor, but I think sodium is more important to pay attention to right now. Stay away from canned, boxed and processed foods. Try to eat more fresh foods. You could probably go to see a dietician, I think insurance would pay for that, if you haven't done so already. Just keep persisting and you will get a feel for what you should and should not eat. Also, could you try entering your food in ahead of time so you won't be surprised? That way if something shows up as being very high in sodium, you could maybe choose an alternative. Just a thought even though I am guilty entering my foods in after I eat them too Good luck!
  • Diana, Jo & Pint - I guess the noodles are made from some plant that is mostly soluble fiber...?? That's what I read anyway...just curious if y'all had ever heard of 'em.
    Here's my check in for today...

    B – FO cereal w/1% milk, banana 300
    S – Yogurt 80
    L – PB & J 290, dried apricots 100 (390)
    S – cup-a-soup (cream of chicken) 120
    D – Amatriciana (pasta) 400
    S – WW frozen yogurt bar 60
    30 DS Level 2
  • Hi All,
    This will be very brief b/c I've had 2 hrs of sleep and was up for 26.5 (ugh)

    I picked up Spicy 3 Pepper Hummus (athenos) and Chobani Pomegranate along with a few other "new" goodies this morning after work.
    That's pretty much all I have to say about both of those! I put the Hummus on triscuits. I only ate 4 triscuits with a Tbs hummus, but I could have easily devoured 1/2 the container!
    Linds, u were ever so right about Chobani! I LOVED it, so much
    Meanwhile, the DH hated the hummus and spit it in the trash! MORE FOR ME

    I have stayed under my calorie goal (1500/day) for both days, but exercise consisted of walking for abt 7 hrs--5 straight, then 2 straight. And my water consumption didn't even break 48 oz each day Tomorrow is a NEW DAY

    I will do personals in the a.m, as for now, I must sleep!
    Roadbiker: Yes, I am a heart failure specialty nurse.

    ((soon 2b de-escalating ticker)) HA
  • Ok I bought new hand weights the other day. I'm about to go use them. Hope it doesnt kill me. Me and upper body strength is pretty pathetic. I've walked a lot today, but I can't ignore my arms, back, shoulders, etc. Guess I'll throw in a few planks too.

    Skipped the planks, but now I can barely get my arms to work to type on the computer. 20 minutes of weights on the upper body is ENOUGH for this gal!
  • Im eating FullBites for the first time tonight. Kind of Cheesy in a not so good way, but good.
  • Hi Everyone!

    Berry There has been a lot of controversy over soy. Some people say that it has negative effects on the thyroid. I think a lot of the soy in the US is GMO. There's controversy over that, too. For me and my history with thyroid issues, it's not worth it. I gain weight very easily so I just choose to avoid it. At one of my Endo appointments, the Dr. misunderstood me and thought I was converting to vegetarianism. She was very concerned with this decision and informed me that she would probably have to eventually increase my thyroid medicine. I let her know that I was not doing that. She was very relieved. She knows my history of weight gain. Based on this brief conversation with her, I think she has issues with soy and thyroid patients. I don't need anything to do any additional damage to my thyroid.

    Lindsey I've heard of that type of noodles and seen them in the grocery store. I have not heard of that particular brand, though. The brands that I have specifically seen are made from soy.

    Total Approx 1440 calories +

    Breakfast (365 Calories + coffee)
    spritz oil in pan
    egg 70 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 calories
    Handful of spinach
    2% Reduced Fat Cheese 40 calories
    high fiber English muffin 100 calories
    1 teaspoon jam 20 calories
    juice 75 calories
    coffee w/sugar and cream

    Lunch (375 Calories)
    Earth Grains Thin Bun 100 calories
    3 Slices Hormel Natural Choice Deli Turkey 60 Calories
    Mustard/Lettuce 25 Calories
    Oikos Strawberry Greek Yogurt 4 ounce container 90 calories
    1 Apple 100 calories

    Dinner (700 Calories) High Sodium
    Beef teriyaki with vegetables 700 calories

    TF Fire 55 EZ
    TF Fire 30
  • morethananumber, I LOVE your avatar pic!!! THAT is COOL!!!

    Larry, I agree with jomatho...FRESH is best. Canned is worse, but better than boxed or processed. For supper I sauteed asparagus in olive oil w/seasonings (garlic and other spices and some lite salt) and had some strawberries and cantaloupe. It was DELICIOUS!! I haven't checked my sodium (forgot to when I tracked supper), but my calories for today are only 35 over my 1098 that livestrong tells me I need to be at. I can certainly live with that. I'll be curious to see the scales tomorrow morning. I saw a new low this morning....202.8. I'm sure I won't be seeing that number again for quite a while. Figure I'll be up a couple tomorrow from the sodium. I told DH last night now would be a GREAT time to start really focusing on toning....I mean if the scales are gonna stall out ANYWAY, I might as well tone too, which will stall 'em, too.
  • Hi friends... did you miss me today? I was so busy and so were all of you... too much to catch up with everyone...

    Thanks for your comments about my pizza binge, Jo. My trainer thinks I need more calories- but NOT carbs. My goal is 1500 calories. He thinks I need more based on how much I work out but he wants it in protein. I just can't eat any more protein. I worked out twice today and I think my weight will be back to normal tomorrow or Friday.

    Berry- I HATE planks! I would rather do 50 inclined situps with a medicine ball then 1 30 second plank! YUCK!