Positive Uplifting Notification...one Positive Thing About Me Today Is...part 15

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  • Quote: Learn,that's sad.Just pray for her.You know you're doing all you can for your Mother and you'll have a star in your crown(in heaven ) for that

    Lynnie,hope you can get some rest today.You're staying awear of what you eat and that's great! Hope things settle down for you soon.

    Laura,may he rest in Peace

    Ms.T,have a wonderful weekend! ride that Weight loss train till the wheels fall off

    Lost,fantastic..1 mile soon you'll go farther and farther have a great time!

    Happy Anniversary Cake,hope you guys have many more

    Ags,thinking of you,hope all is well
    I stay aware of what I am eating and I am getting full off of just alittle of something. So I am doing pretty good with not snacking or bingeing at night. Thanks for the support sweetie!!!

  • Daily Dose of Positivity!
    Quote: Hello Sweet taters,

    Here we are again, starting another part to the Positive Uplifting Notification thread. Well Ladies here it is..........PART FIFTHTEEN........

    Today, I am Happy once again, to give birth to Part FIFTHTEEN of the One Positive thing about me today is.......................

    It is time for new beginnings so let's get the party started!!!!!!

    For all the newcomer's to this thread Let me tell a little about what we are all about. I thought this was a really cool way to reshape the way we think about things, ourselves, and just plain long stuff, you know the kind that happens in a lifetime, stuff that might throw you a curve ball. Well guess what, there is always a brighter side and that is what we look for, staying on the POSITIVE SIDE. To build our self esteem and to let us know, yes we can, instead of no we can't.


    I encourage you, in your own time to sneak back and read the FIRST POSITIVE THREAD and even the SECOND and you will understand what a blessing this is. I hope it will in some ways touch your heart.

    Now lets get THIS PARTY started and SHOW you how we roll. Jump in, sit back, take your shoes off and stay awhile, for here, we are family!!!!!!

    Hugs love and blessings and remember to make every moment count
    Greetings from the land of Positivity! I have lost 52 pounds in 10 weeks and I feel like a new woman! Medifast has been my savior! I can bend over and touch my toes...gee, had kinda forgotten what they looked like! I can fit in my granny's rocker and when I get up, the rocker no longer goes with me! I can see my waist again...for many years, I did not have one! I get tons of lovely compliments daily and weekly and many want to start MFing themselves! I have been called an inspiration -- wow, that is amazing! If I stay on track --- NO, WHEN I STAY ON TRACK -- I will have lost 104 lbs. by summer's end!!! I had over 1/2 of me to lose, and I'm already 1/3 of the way there!!!! I have hope for the future and I believe in my ability to achieve positive change!!! Recently I was waiting for a phone call to inform me that I had received a new job. The call never came. But so what? It's their loss, I say, and I believe there is a a better job out there for me!!! Best wishes to all of you! Thank you sooooo much for starting this wonderful thread, and for your ongoing support, encouragement, and advice!!! I have enjoyed sharing my positivity with you and look forward to reading yours!!!

    Hope your day is golden!


  • Hi there sweet taters,

    Still hanging in here, not tip top yet, things just keep piling up, one on top of the other, but I am not complaining. What doesn't kill me, will only make me stronger. I am not and will not give up, EVER!!!!! My mouth is in such pain.......since I can't talk, I shall read even more of the WORD!!!! Now what a huge positive that is!!!!! Oh my, almost forgot, last week I lost 9.8 pounds and this week, I was gained 3 pounds. I am sure it was from all of the oj I was drinking and soup, equaling sodium. No problem, it shall be gone by next week. What a roller coaster ride!!!!


    Congrats to all of you lovely ladies with all of your accomplishments!!!! You all rock and POP!!!

    Welcome to our positive thread, I loved reading your positively positive post. It was chalked full, just the way I like it. Please come back often so we all can get to know you better. I noticed you are in Virgina somewhere.....so am I , in Hampton, in what part are you?

    Ladies please be on the look out for Part 16 probably sometime tomorrow or Monday. I will be closing this thread and opening the new one, as we are rapidly approaching close the 500 posts. So watch out, Part 16 here we come!!!!! Can you believe it, I started this thread a little better than two years ago. WE ROCK!!!!!

    Hugs love and blessings,
    and remember to make every moment count,
  • Hey! I live in Hartfield, VA, about an hour north of you up Rte. 17! Small world I will check back often -- thanx for the great welcome!

  • Good Sunday Morning All!

    sidanne42- Welcome to the POSITIVE thread. Look forward to getting to know you better.

    Ags- You sound better, but not 100%. So rest, rest, rest neighbor. We need you in tip top shape here on the POSITIVE thread.

    Ona- Oh yes, I am at total peace about my mother and I. I know that I am always going to be there for her just as she has been for me. My sister will have to deal with the regrets later in life.

    Lynn- Oh yes kids are great, but your right they are exhausting. Hope you rested well.

    cake- Happy Anniversary (so I'm late). Did you do anything special?

    I have been my usual POP, but have been having terrible salt cravings. The scale has been frozen all week, so starting tomorrow my plan is to light a fire under it and get those LBs to start melting.

    Well that's all folks, been kind of a boring week here in FLA. Stay POP!

  • sunburned and back from camping a day early due to rain! but I've got some great positives: I swam in a river for the first time and I went in a cave for the first time! I was so excited, it was so fun and beautiful!

    also lost 3lbs this week, so I moved into single digits, less than ten lbs to 299!
  • Hi all!

    Hope you haven't forgotten about me! I'm back. I was off for a bit because of all my essays ad a new job. However, I have found some time to be back here! I haven't quite fallen off the bandwagon. I have still be watching what I eat and going to the gym, but Monday I'm starting to be stricter about diet and continue going to the gym at least 4 times a week. I hope all is well. I have an updated pic. I'll just go on a post it. I'm not for sure how much I've lost but there has been quite a difference. And that is my positive. I was thinking nothing was changing and I was kind of depressed about not being as strict but then I compared photos from before and after. Then I could actually see a difference and was thrilled. It's invigorated me even more.

    I hope all is well and I am still on this journey with you guys! <3

    My latest pic! Be kind ladies.
  • Hi little darlin's,

    In pain, so I will not be on long, but I did want to say, I love and miss all of you!!! You all are doing great things!!!! Keep up the good work and shall be back in full bloom soon.

    love you girl!!!!! but you know that!!

    nice to know I have another friend here so close in Va!!!

    sooooo proud of you kiddo, keep on kickin butt!!!

    Love the pic, you look awesome!!!! We could never forget you sweetie!!!! Hope all of your essays went well.

    My positive for the day is.......I am still here and still kicking, not sure what I am kicking...LOL LOL....guess what I mean is.....still alive and kickin" hahahahaha. Won't get to WI this Thurs due do working late, and I am ok with that, I figure a few more days in the POP direction will be a profit for me. See another positive for me.....turning lemons into lemonade but with splenda. hahahha I crack myself up.

    Carol, have a safe trip, have fun and return home in one piece. Miss ya gal!!!!

    Hello to all and remember to POP!!!

    I will wait and close the thread tomorrow, so...............wait for it and be on the look out for Part SIXTEEN!!!!!!

    hugs love and blessings,
  • Quick fly by to say Hi!
    Ags - best wishes for your recovery, but you are always so cherrful! And to Learn - you are an inspiration with your consistency!
    Lynnie Lost and all, day by day - we shall prevail, we all have to keep moving forwards bit by bit to achieve big things...

    My weekend was full of good choices and healthy alternatives: for example instead of buying lunch at a cafe, my daughter ( a ridiculously beautiful size 8) and I went to the supermarket and bought a BBQ chicken some mutligrain rolls, and a bag of mixed salad!! Very impressed with myself....
    So, finger crossed I will be rewarded for my diligence on Thursday WI day...

    Have to say I am at a good place now where I don't feel deprived..but I'm sure the cake craving will arrive shortly - I dooooooo love cake (sigh)
  • ohhh....... TOM is here and now we both want cake
  • positive thought: Faith makes: Yesterday a stepping stone, today a new beginning, tomorrow a limitless possibility!

    positive action: Back to babysitting today. then iam coming home and reading a book.
  • I just spent the morning in an unproductive argument on Face Book, what a waste of time - no minds were changed, mean things were said (including by me) and I am grumpy now! So to help change my attitude I am gonna take a break from that mental crap and on focus on a positive:

    I am scared about many things in my life, scared of my husband leaving his job like he is talking about, scared for my health from looming health problems, scared of failing on this diet like so many others, scared of what my weight and lifestyle has done and is doing to my family - but I am going forward anyway and going forward when you are scared is the very definition of bravery - therefore I am brave.
  • Yep Lost, moving foward into the unknown is very scary. In lots of ways I think that is why a lot of us put up with being fat and /or unhappy for so long....

    Have you guys read the " I wanna stay fat because" thread in th 100 club???
    It's hilarious but soooo true. Cheer yourself up and have a read...

    I'm popping along towards my first mini-goal - fitting into my coaches shirt by 20th July 2011...have a good day Weasels!!!!
  • I'm back on board for accountability! I had dropped out of 3FC last year, & didn't make any progress on my own. After months of being negative, I'm taking charge. I walked 2 miles today, & was aware of what I ate. I'm ready to change!
  • STOP!
    Do not post here!
    Please move on to part 16!