Page tabs at top of blog?

  • Can anyone tell me how to get the page tabs at the top of my blog - so far there are only the two that came with the blog.
    Also, how come I never see my updated blog appear in the list of updated blogs? I save and publish each time, but I never see my blog anywhere?
    Any help for the blog-illiterate would be nice!
  • Hi

    If your blog does not appear on the list of updated blogs on the blog home page, you have your privacy settings to not allow Google or other search engines to spider your blog. All that does is prevent the link from appearing on the updated blog list. Search engines follow links so preventing that one link will hide your blog. However, if you post your blog link anywhere else, they'll find it anyway.

    The Tabs at the top of your blog are for the title of your blog first, and then the others are for pages. When you create entries, some are posts and some are pages. Posts would include your daily entries, etc. Pages are specific info pages such as your "About" page. If you create a new entry and select new Page instead of Post, it will show up as a tab at the top.

    I hope that helps!
  • Thanks - it sort of helped.
    I have created pages - they show up as pages on the side, but they don't have the tab at the top like the About page does. It's not abig deal, but I would like to have them up top. Any suggestions?
    Thank you.
  • Ok, sometimes they are theme specific. Let me check out the Magnolia theme you are using. Brb
  • Well shoot, I'm not going to be able to help Many themes put pages in the top menu automatically. Some have settings in the admin panel for it, or use custom widgets. But sometimes they are hard coded in the files and those cannot be changed. I don't see anything in the theme dashboard for it so I'm going to have to guess they are hard coded into the file and cannot be changed.

    I'm sorry!
  • Thank you so much for looking into it for me.
    I feel really special that you personally did this.
    Thank you so much for this website. You and your sisters are truly a blessing in my life.