My first 5K...

  • hadn't really planned on running but I was 7 minutes late for the start and I thought I would catch up with my friends... about mile 2.5 I realized they must have been waiting for me to start... Did the 5K in 38 minutes. I don't really know what a good time is... but I am really proud of myself. I couldn't have even walked a 5K a year ago!
  • 38 minutes for your first race is pretty impressive! I've been running on and off for a number of years, and just recently got back into "racing" (I use quotes as I only race against my own times) after having knee surgery. My first 5k after surgery was 37:06, and the one I did last weekend was 34:59, so I'm certain you'll progress to faster times if you keep racing!

    I love 5k's as they don't require a lot of training - not like a half marathon or longer - and I can do them every few weeks without any stress. I'm hoping to work up to a 10k within the next eight weeks but it's hard going so far!
  • That is a great time for your first 5K!

    My first one was about 14 years ago at the age of 43. I had quit smoking the day before, I was not overweight. I walked with my wife and kids, I think my time was over an hour was in a town I spent 3 years as a kid....took a detour to show them the school I went to 1/2 through the race

    however....I have continued to do them...probably 75 or so PLUS our very own 5K's with our dogs.....

    I did get into the high 20's but that was a while we walk them for fun....

  • That's terrific Stacy!
    There is really nothing else to compare to the feeling of running your first 5k. It is exhilirating.

    Good for you. I am proud of you.
    As EZMONEY said, keep going!!
  • Awesome! I ran my first last month, and can't wait to run another for the opportunity to beat my own time. Had you ran a full 3.1 miles before today?
  • that's awesome! congrats!
  • Quote: Awesome! I ran my first last month, and can't wait to run another for the opportunity to beat my own time. Had you ran a full 3.1 miles before today?
    No I hadn't run the full thing! I actually only half heartedly trained b/c it was for a charity that funds research for brain cancer. We have a very good friend fighting brain cancer right now and we signed up for her and we thought she wanted to walk the whole thing with us. Well, she hasn't been doing well and was in a wheel chair and couldn't do it... so my friends ran and so I ran!

    Exhilerating was the word for it! I want to train better and do another!