Once again....

  • Hey everyone!

    Well, here we go.....again. DH and I are starting over, one more time. Monday is the day. We are enjoying the freedom to eat what we want this weekend. Don't know bout the wisdom of that decision...the eating whatever we want part. t

    We have decided to adopt the South Beach way of life. We have done it before. It seems to be the only way that I am able to lose weight. And it's great for my hubby and does wonders for his blood sugar levels.

    So, wish us luck as we begin our newest endeavor as I also wish you luck with yours.

  • lol i do that sometimes. "Ill eat the things i love for the last time and ill workout starting on monday" xD

    Ive been eagerly been wanting to work out so bad, but I had some tattoos done and i have to wait for them to recover.

    but anyways, we wish u the best of luck! Dont let temptation of sweets get to u!