Needing advice...

  • Hello, all!
    My MIL is very generously taking my family on a cruise at the end of May. I'm very grateful, and I'm hoping to have a good time, but here is the problem:
    she's a saboteur! My resolve is not as good as it was in the beginning of my weight loss. At this point, I have to keep unwanted food out of my house and life. I have to leave the room if it is there. I do feel like crap if I eat something I shouldn't. Not just mentally, I mean physically. I get a "carb hangover" if I have anything sugary, and let me tell you, it's not fun.

    What am I going to do for 7 days on a boat with her? She's going to drive me crazy! Seriously, she will nag me to death about everything I eat. She has already told me that "you're going to have to go off that diet while you're on the boat because they have the best food on there." I think that is debatable, because I don't really care for most of the things I used to like anyway.

    How do I deal with this?
  • Hopefully she has enough distraction not to scrutinize your food choices.

    My mom gave me this tip when I was younger though. If you pile your plate "high", eat slow and never let it go empty, it gives the illusion that you are eating a lot but you are actually just going really slow!

    On cruises, it's hard because everything is buffet style but I try to go by the 50%/25%/25% rule when it comes to vegetables/protein/carbs on the plate!

    Or you can use salad dishes to eat when you are eating buffet style!

    Make use of the gyms and pool on board!

    OK Just kidding...

    Cruise ships have lots of fresh veggies and fruits on the buffets as well as shrimp and fish for dinner. If she nags you about lemon bars, ask if she wants to see them on the way up.
  • I'd just politely ask her to leave you alone as your food choices don't affect HER vacation and that you ARE indulging and enjoying yourself.

    Or just ignore any food comments and don't respond to them during the trip.
  • don't know how many people there will be but a few ideas:

    don't sit next to or across from her when eating if you can manage it.

    "brag" about how you are "cheating" all the time. "oh I can't believe it, I really cheated at breakfast today with all that bacon." "that lunch was so wonderful, but I was right off my diet with all that salad dressing....."
    "I couldn't have dessert after cheating so much with that steak and mushroom supper, I'm going to have to take a long walk to work that off"

    Thank her profusely for her generosity and keep saying, "I will have to be so good when I get home to make up for being so sinful on holiday".

    The nice part of her wants to give you a treat, so let her do that, even if its just in her mind. And yes, walk, swim, dance and be active a lot on your cruise.

    A lot these cruises have lots of alcohol, and I find having sparkling water in a wine glass helps keep people off my back about it, and even say I am pacing myself (like have water between drinks) so I don't get drunk too easily.

    YOu are right, you are in a tight spot, but with wise planning you can do well. And if you do allow yourself some holiday treats, don't let it put you off plan for long, and just get going back to your plan again.
    and above all, have fun!
  • When I went on a cruise I made it a point to walk around the deck several times a day. Does this ship have a pool ? If so you can also swim. Not all meals are buffet style. You can have anything you want in the dining room, just ask , they are happy to accomadate you.
  • Thanks, everyone! You all have some really great ideas. Hopefully, we will be busy doing stuff the whole time. I'm going to try to sit as far from her as possible. I'll have to make sure my kids don't sit near her, either. She will fill them full of all kinds of junk. They will be sick. If I try to rein them in with her around, then she gets all over me.

    InControl2Day, I will have to try the piled food trick. That just might work.

    Xtalupa, hopefully I won't REALLY be seasick. I'm taking some Dramamine with me just in case. LOL

    Fatmad, she already knows what kind of diet I'm on. I'm just going to hope for the best.

    bargoo, the ship has a pool. I'm sure I will be in it everyday since I have two little kids.

    beerab, that's probably what I should do. If it comes to it, I might have to say something to her. I really don't want to, but I don't want her to ruin my vacation, either.

    I guess part of this was just ranting. She came over last weekend and she will just keep on and on and on.... It's so tiring. "Did you try the beans? Did you try the beans, Sheri? Did you try them? Did you? Did you?" OMG! Leave me the f*** alone!

    I know she wants me be happy, but to her being happy is stuffing your face full of crap. I really don't want to have a confrontation with her. She is doing a wonderful thing for us. We would never be able to go on our own.

    Thanks, again, everyone!
  • Quote: Xtalupa, hopefully I won't REALLY be seasick. I'm taking some Dramamine with me just in case. LOL
    I have one suggestion regarding seasickness. I am not prone to it (well never really experienced a bad one) but one trick is to make sure you are up on deck and outside as much as possible. If you start feeling a little nauseous get outside immediately. Your body tries to balance but it can't on a moving ship. Being outside and having a view helps a lot. I have been on sailing trips a few times and believe me the people who stay inside and/or under deck are the ones with the most problems! Enjoy your cruise!!!
  • From what I've heard of cruise food, the fresh fruits, veg, fish, seafood etc are in abundance.
    if it were me, I'd use that to my advantage and if she did make comments on trying the desserts, fattening meats etc I'd simply reply with "With all this pretty, colourful fruit, seafood, fish that I can't get at home . . . I'm going to treat myself to all that!"
    Granted that really only works if it's stuff you don't have at home but you never know, if she sees that you are excited about the food, she may not even notice that you are eating the healthier options