just a frustrated vent about gaining

  • So, has this ever happened to anyone else? It has happened to me lots of times before, which I think is why I find it so hard to get into the right mindset and keep trying when losing weight.....

    For the last 4 days, I have all but cut soda out of my diet (and I basically lived on soda)...I have dealt with the headaches from the withdrawl, and I have pushed through drinking just water or tea with no sugar....I have also been "aware" of what I am eating, havent had any fast food and have consciencely made my portion sizes smaller.

    Now, I know its only been 4 or 5 days, but when I got on the scale this morning, I am UP 3 pounds!!! (and its not my TOM either)

    I just want to scream and run to the kitchen and pig out, which I would have done in the past....instead I ran to the computer and started typing.

    I just dont know how to deal with this type of thing...not sure what I am doing wrong...SO FRUSTRATING!!!

    Thanks for listening everyone !!
  • don't worry it will come off it maybe some water weight.Don't get discouraged; be proud of what you have cut back on. i knowits hard.

  • Hang in there.
    Make sure you ONLY weigh first thing in the morning AFTER you use the restroom and if you can, without clothing.

    Don't weigh in at any other time and this way you can use this initial weigh in as your guideline. Weighing at any other time of day is not giving you your true weight.
  • Thanks to you both
    I do weigh in at the same time...maybe I need to wait a full week between weighing...oh, I dunno...I guess just keep going in the right direction and hopefully things will start to fall into place
  • Quote: Thanks to you both
    I do weigh in at the same time...maybe I need to wait a full week between weighing...oh, I dunno...I guess just keep going in the right direction and hopefully things will start to fall into place
    weighing one day out of the week should keep you track and not be so discouraging. I weigh in on Sunday at 7 am and take measurements that same day. If I keep checking my weight through the week it makes me depressed then I eat. So I try to stick to one day.
  • There are so many factors that go into whether or not the scale moves up or down (salt, water, exercise, etc). I personally find that my body lags behind what I am actually doing by a week or two. Like this week in fact, when I had a great week and gained a pound.

    I do highly recommend not getting on a scale every day if it is going to bother you. Fretting over numbers just adds more stress to a journey that can be stressful enough already.
  • I need a "like" button LMAO

    Thanks gals! I think I am gonna stick to the once a week thing for a while, and see how that goes. I also think I am going to measure as well....that way, I might be able to track better with inches than actual pounds.

    Thanks again!!! This little thread has helped me feel better and better all day! Yay!
  • Heather, I weigh every day on the wii. I literally go up and down day to day, up 1 lb, down 1 lb, etc. I almost never have a loss two days in a row, but over several days, the trend is always downward. What's neat about weighing that way is that you can pull the graph back to see a month ot more at a time an then the downward trend is very obvious. For me weighing each day helps me feel very in touch with the changes going on in my body (i never realized how much "monthly" water i hold onto until i started this process!) and the ups and downs don't bug me (so long as the overall trend is down, and so far, it has been), and I am now am getting so that I can predict based on how I'm eating, etc what is going to happen on the scale.

    I hope the once a week weigh in schedule will help you to relax and see the bigger picture. Good luck!
  • Heather, This sounds like a form of withdrawal to me. When you drop all of that at once your body reacts in ways like retaining water, headaches etc. It should come off soonish like in the next week, when I gave up soda last year this same thing happened to me, again when I cut carbs out and lowered them/ switched the types of carbs I eat this year it happened again. Its normal, keep doing what you are doing and don't let it discourage you. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
  • i had a gain today of 1.6lbs dono what the bounce is from.... but hopefully it will sort itself out and i'll go back to losing.

    it sucks, and it's a bit discouraging. like "why am i doing all this work if i'm just gonna gain?! i was doing that with milkshakes and fried chicken"... but if you keep at it it will drop just as sharply and suddenly on occasion, and those days seem to make it very worth it!
  • thanks again all
    I have to look into Wii fitness stuff....my daughters have a Wii, but the only thing they have on it that I can do is bowling LOL

    I think the withdrawl theory might be right on...boy does that suck!!
  • The scale tends to be a tricky little monster, dont take the numbers to heart too much. Measure up, see how your clothes are fitting ect or just notice things like bending further or having less pain. That way when the scales next give you a tricky reading you can poke your tongue out at it and say 'well I lost three inches this week so nyah nyah nyah' lol
  • There is a meaurement thread I started and several of us have been taking measurements for a couple weeks. Feel free to check it and it will help ya.

  • It can be really discouraging to see your weight go up after trying so hard to get it down. But like other's pointed out, its probably just your body's way of reacting to the changes being made in the diet. Just keep up the good work, and you'll start seeing results soon!
  • One of the BIGGEST mistakes I was making was to weigh daily. It was almost like i was giving myself a reason to quit when there was a slight upward movement of the scale. I won't do that anymore. The absolute best way for me to weigh in is monthly. If I stay on plan I am sure to see some type of loss in a month and that really keeps me going.