Went through some old clothes

  • Spring cleaning, and oh wow. I pulled out some of my old pants, 7s. They look like something a small child would wear, i cannot believe that i used to wear those. . . And that they were big on me. I held them up to My 16s (which are too big now) and my jaw dropped. Wow. How did i let this happen?

    Renewed motivation! I want to wear those jeans!
  • I know how you feel. I have a pair of white shorts (9s) I keep sitting on my dresser at all times. My goal is to fit in them by June. So far not looking too good, but I'm sticking with it.
  • I have three pairs of expensive jeans I hope to fit into again some day. Everything else is gone! I gave many huge bags of clothing to my church, but could not part with those jeans.

    THIS time, I am getting rid of ALL clothes as soon as I feel they are too large. I will NOT keep them to use when I go back up in weight, as I have done many times. I have worn size 5 - 18W.
  • i know exactly how you feel. I remember when i was last my current size-- freshman year of hs, and thinking i was huge because i wore size M shirts and size 10 pants.

    Then, I remember when i was wearing size 18 at Old Navy and being in denial at how big i was and trying to fit back into those clothes, looking at pictures from back then and thinking i was thin back then.

    and now i'm back to my old size thinking I am huge!
  • The smallest size I can remember ever wearing, was 16. And I'm an 18 now, so not that big of a difference. But when I was up to wearing a 26, I was definitely pretty upset that I couldn't fit into my cute 16 + 18 jeans. Unfortunately, I threw them away to make room for my "big clothes" because I was never really motivated until recently to actually lose the weight.

    On the brighter side of this topic, it is very nice to go back and look at (and even try on) those 26s. I personally don't feel like I look any different (except when I see pictures) from when I was at my heaviest, but those jeans are definitely proof that I have made good progress.