Does anybody else gain like crazy after hitting a "magic number"?

  • I have a maddening thing that drives me crazy. If I eat about 1600-1800 calories a day I find I will lose weight or maintain. But, if I up that to like 2500 or 3000, I can end up 3 or 4 lbs heavier the next day, and I'm like WTF? As, if I 'd gone on a massive binge of 4 or 5,000 cals.

    Does anybody else find this, to where if they hit a certain high sweet spot like 1600 vs 1100, they will lose steadily, but if they go above that slightly like 2500, suddenly there's this huge friggin jump on the scale? It makes no sense and drives me mad.
  • I think you're right. If I eat 1300-1500 calories a day I feel fine, but if I about 2000 calories in a day now I feel really bloated.

    Although, 1600-1800 and 2500-3000 is quite a difference in calories.

    I find that if I eat more, I don't wanna do exercise (for some reason) because I feel fat.
  • That happens to me too. I don't count calories but on days that I eat more crap I have a higher number the next day (even if it's not a ton of crap). Most of the time it's just water weight, though, and is gone after a day or two.
  • Quote: That happens to me too. I don't count calories but on days that I eat more crap I have a higher number the next day (even if it's not a ton of crap). Most of the time it's just water weight, though, and is gone after a day or two.
    Yep, this happens to me too. I think it's the additional carbs and salt that your body has to process.
  • I gain 2-3 pounds if I eat off junk even when it's within my calorie range. It usually goes away after a day or two I think you might wanna try maintaining at 2200-2300 calories though 2500-3000 just seems too high.
  • Yeah, if I eat even 1800-2000, that's a "binge", I'm just talking about days when I go off my eating plan, and eat a little more, not standard maintenance, I'm far from maintenance period, I still have plenty of weight to lose. I usually keep it optimally at 1500, but this usually ends up being 1300.

    I'm just saying that I can have a HUGE jump when I do "binge", actually eat within or near what people tell me is my supposed eating range with light activity for my weight, when it isn't true. I'd expect those kinds of jumps with 3500 or 4000, but not 2200-2500, etc, etc. I know it's water weight though, usually takes me 2 or 3 days to get it off, but it can take up to a week or more.

    Thanks everyone.