Hola from BC

  • Hi all,

    A little about me. About six or seven years ago I lost about 70lbs using the gym and weight watchers. It was practical for my life then. Well, since then I graduated university, had a baby, got divorced and have been working two jobs for the last two years to put myself in a decent position. Well, financially and emotionally Im there...physcially I am not. Three weeks ago I was at the doc because my daughter is being investigated for asthma. I mentioned that i have been having chest pain (and Im a nurse and should no better) and my GP checked my Bp....well it was 175/90. Ill be 30 next month. Talk about a kick in the pants.

    SO, I have about 60lbs to lose. I have realized that in order to have a healthy daughter I have to be healthy. If I dont get the food/weight roller coaster under control I am dooming her to the same cycle. So, I rejoined weight watchers which I really like and lost nearly 3lbs my first week YAY me. I have been working out at home with videos (although I have a gym membership i work rotating shifts and have a three year old...it just isn't practical for me)...

    So..thats me in a nutshell.
  • Welcome to the group! It sounds to me like your a great mom and you are already motivated..so the support on this site will just boot you up and help you get there even faster!