Stupid Cold!

  • I've had a cold since Wednesday evening. Sore throat, dizziness, headache, all in all it sucks. Problem is I've been craving comfort foods. I've done well to avoid or modify them, such as a grilled cheese cooked with I can't believe it's not butter light, some soup, tea and coffee (black). But I'm really wanting a bowl of ice cream for dinner. I'm afraid this is going to trigger wanting more junk food, but I feel so crappy and ice cream would feel so good on my throat (the greek yogurt burns a bit).
  • Get well soon!

    I actually have the same symptoms but figured it is TOM. Hm...
  • feel better, too.
  • Right there with you. We're basically subsisting on soup at the moment, and yes, some (no sugar added) ice cream.

    Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, and feel better soon!
  • I just went through the same thing. I had a little ice cream but I found that sucking on crushed ice really made my throat feel better and help me resist the ice cream.

    Feel better soon!
  • waht about ff/sf pudding? That's great for a sore throat. make it with skim?
  • thanks for the ideas ladies. I have some ice chips, some tea, and a vanilla pudding here. The ice chips help a lot.