I seem to keep coming back over and over...

  • and here I am once again. For a while now I've been trying to come up with some kind of plan that is realistic and something I can stick to. I've counted calories several times in the past and have had success with weight loss. Recently in the last month I've done an exchange type program to help me learn to eat balanced, portioned controlled meals but I found it difficult during times when I was unsure of what category the food fit in and how to calculate it. I found myself automatically counting calories while doing it as well, it seemed to almost come naturally. I finally made a decision that counting calories is probably more realistic for me since I keep finding ways to go back to it.

    I like CC because there's freedom in it. If I choose to, I can eat all my calories from bad things or good things. I try to choose the good things when ever I can. CC doesn't take much effort imo, it's simple especially once you get the hang of things.

    My main goal is to eat less than 1600 calories per day. My other goals are to stay away from art. sweeteners when ever possible I get migraines from them, eat whole foods when ever possible because it makes me feel better, get some exercise of some sort at least once every day and go to the gym 3 times a week.
  • Good luck! The only failure is NOT coming back, so well done for starting again. Boy, do I know that feeling.

    I agree that CC is the best way forward. One of my favourite ways to restart is to have a few days of just logging what I eat, and noting the calorie total, rather than getting too obsessed about a particular budget too soon. Do you use a tracking programme? I use Dietpower (1 off $49 but there are free ones too). I find it essential, because without it I could be very short of vitamins and minerals, and because tapping a few keys on the keyboard is much easier than writing by hand.

    Good luck!
  • I'm not planning on using a tracking program. I have used them in the past and every time I do, I get so anal about every single calorie that it starts to drive me bananas which usually ends up ultimately leading to a binge. It becomes too much like a diet and I know diets aren't good for binge eaters. For now it's good ole pen & paper and reading labels, it's been working for a while and I feel comfortable with it. I'm not going to obsess over this, this time. I'm shooting for less than 1600 but that is just a number, if I get 1200 one day or 2000 one day, I'm not going to consider it a bid deal. My main goal is to become healthy with weight loss benefits.
  • I think you have a great plan! Being accountable without getting overly anal is a hard balance to strike for a lot of us. I think you have the right attitude. Good luck!!