lack of commitment? Lazy? Un motivated???

  • I am definatly one of the above that i mentioned in my either lacking commitment.....lazy...or un motivated.....its probably more of me being lazy and not doing that needs to be done! I have been on here for a few months telling you girls how im here to "lose weight" "excersize" and "eat healthy".......and do you need to hear the truth? I eat doughnuts, mcdonalds, and junkfood. I do go waking with my friend but i dont put any other effort in to excersize. I want to be thinner....i want to look good for summer....i want to lower my blood presure bu i dont put any effort in. I just think about doing it but i never mad at myself and i still dont change. Nobody can make me eat better or workout but myself. I guess ill just have to keep trying. I am at a loss to why i am not trying. Lazy and not sure why.
  • Hi ok! Thanks for sharing - it takes a lot of courage to admit that about yourself. It's only once you make that confession that you can really start your journey. Remember that we'll be here to support you when you start to dive into it.
  • Quote:
    I am at a loss to why i am not trying.
    I used to feel like that in the past.

    I think sometimes it's a question about what is worse.....

    Is it worse to eat whatever you want and stay fat?

    Or is it worse to eat healthy and lose weight?

    For a long time, for me, it was easier to stay overweight. Until I woke up one day and I was sick and I realized that I wanted to be healthy and I didn't mean just be healthy like I wanted to be out of the hospital, I meant I wanted to be healthy so I could avoid taking medication, avoid doctors trying to medicate me, not get sick, the whole nine yards.

    I was ready to WHATEVER it took to get there.... I didn't care if I didn't eat, because I had already gone through a period of not eating (I was sick with a virus). I didn't care if I had to cook at home (I would figure it out even if I hated it). I didn't care that I couldn't go out with friends to restaurants (I would save money!) because I wanted to be healthy more than I wanted to stay fat and sick.

    You may not be ready yet.... that's okay. You can start learning about the best way to lose weight (I did that for years) and learn more about how make things easier for you (I had already started to sometimes cook for myself and the BF at home). I observed my thin friends and how they ate.

    When I was ready, I had all that information at my finger tips to really take the next step.

    You have to want to lose weight in order for it to happen. Unfortunately, there's no magic wand that will make you thin. I wish there was!!!!!!
  • Thank you girls so much for the replies.......i like how rana said would you rather eat whatever you want and stay fat....or eat healthy and lose weight.......that makes so much sence to me. It puts a lot into perspective.
  • Man, I'm with you on the feeling lazy recently. I've totally been slacking with counting my calories and I just want to kick myself for it; what's stopping me from spending five minutes on the computer tracking what I've eaten?! But coming back to this site reminds me that lots of people are changing their lives for the better and that I want to be a part of that. Hopefully we can both find our motivation again
  • Quote: I am definatly one of the above that i mentioned in my either lacking commitment.....lazy...or un motivated.....its probably more of me being lazy and not doing that needs to be done! I have been on here for a few months telling you girls how im here to "lose weight" "excersize" and "eat healthy".......and do you need to hear the truth? I eat doughnuts, mcdonalds, and junkfood. I do go waking with my friend but i dont put any other effort in to excersize. I want to be thinner....i want to look good for summer....i want to lower my blood presure bu i dont put any effort in. I just think about doing it but i never mad at myself and i still dont change. Nobody can make me eat better or workout but myself. I guess ill just have to keep trying. I am at a loss to why i am not trying. Lazy and not sure why.
    Commitment - could you change your approach to short time frames (one-two weeks) to stay on plan?

    Motivation - could you sit down and look deep for why you want to do this? Write every reason down no matter how silly or vain they may seem. Get very specific.

    Lazy - Is it the convenience of junk food? Dieting/lifestyle change DOES take PLANNING. I am a total lazy dieter and I don't like to cook fancy stuff. I prep most of my food in large quantities once or twice a week then prepackage food so it is grab and go. I use my George Foreman a lot!

    Have you thought about getting the junk food under control before you add in anything else? Could you give up all junk food and just give yourself permission to give eat good wholesome food in any amount you choose for two weeks? Maybe if you don't feel deprived in the food area you would find it easier to forego junk. Once the junk is gone and forgotten, then start on quantity control.

    I know I have seen the steps or stages of getting ready to diet around here somewhere. There are just some things you have to g et your head around. You'll be ready when you're ready.