Red Team NYNY 2011 Chat Thread Week 11 (3/21-3/27)

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  • It's Friday here in SK. My gym time yesterday was awesome. I really killed it sweating big time. Another pt session this afternoon. First though, my 3 and 4 year old class is off to another school for a French carnival. I'm going to be a blue butterfly! The kids are so excited as am I. Hope everyone has a fab day!
  • Charlie June--I was gone for a few days on Spring Break but wanted to acknowledge the rough time you must be going thru. Good for you focusing on yourself tho.

    Peanutt--I hope your ring has turned up! We need a status report.

    Shan--I hope the scale fairies shine favorably upon you this week. It sounds like you've really been putting in the time this week.

    Last chance workouts!!! Yay?!?!?

    Good luck all!
  • Ring is still lost. We've now had a few days of fresh snow, taking away any chance of me finding it outside soon.

    What a rollercoaster this week has been for me. I've been swinging wildly from SUPER motivated to wanting to curl up in bed and sleep for days. I've been ravenously hungry some days and struggled to meet my minimum calories on others. I need some time to chill myself right out this weekend.

    Sorry I've been silent and MIA. I'm going to try and regroup this weekend and reapproach fresh next week.
  • Quote:
    What a rollercoaster this week has been for me. I've been swinging wildly from SUPER motivated to wanting to curl up in bed and sleep for days. I've been ravenously hungry some days and struggled to meet my minimum calories on others. I need some time to chill myself right out this weekend.
    Peanutt- Did you read my mind? That is exactly how I've been feeling! I'm attributing it to the weather & since we're only 3 hours apart I bet you could too. Though with the big mood swings I'm having I'm not sure if it's peri- menopause or what. I've wondered if it's depression, but then think, nah it's all in my head. LOL- not sure what to think anymore. Just hope we see the sun & less snow soon!
  • Hi all!

    It's been a crazy week for me. My Grandmother passed away last Saturday night, so we had the funeral and all that this week...had a couple of curve balls thrown my way at work. I'm so glad that it is the weekend.

    I'm down a little since the last weigh in, and I hope I didn't blow that with sodium tonight (move popcorn!). I'll give it until Sunday and hopefully my system will be cleared of it.

    I hope you've all had a good and successful week working towards your goals!
  • Jaytee- Weigh in is tomorrow and right now I'm showing a gain. Damn it! I have been working hard. I've been on plan for almost 18 days now. When I told my personal trainer my weight wasn't changing she said it didn't matter because my inches are changing and I'm gaining muscle. That makes me angry. I don't want the muscle. I'm over 280lbs, I want the weight gone. She doesn't get it!

    Hope everyone else fares better than me on the scale this week. I'm contemplating taking my last freebie. We'll see.
  • Angie- Sorry to hear about your grandmother
  • sorry love to hear about your grandmother. my prayers are with you.
  • Thank you Shan and Susan -- I am not letting this take me off track, I feel it would be terribly disrespectful to my Grama to let her passing be the catalyst for me going off track; she was very proud of what I've accomplished in the last 8 months.

    Just finished my C25K week 3, day 3 workout -- I left off here a week ago and didn't want to let too much time go by without getting back to it. I feel great! I stayed on the treadmill and walked at a fast pace (for me) for an extra 13 minutes.
  • Angie- I am sorry for your loss!

    Shan- Stick with it, eventually the fat will fall off!

    I had a good weigh-in this morning, but am still yet to make it to the gym today. On days when I don't have fitness classes, its hard to stay motivated to keep working out.
  • Hi everyone! Good luck on your last chance workout and don't forget to weigh-in tomorrow!
  • Hi Red Team,

    I know I don't get a chance to post often but I just wanted to pop in and say hello!

    Angie - my condolences to you and your family! I think that's a great attitude and perspective to have regarding not getting off track. You go girl!

    Shan - although it's typically healthier to have muscle than fat in certain areas, I can certainly understand your frustration! Don't worry, you'll be back to dropping pounds in no time. Maybe the extra muscle development will spur your metabolism and boost the impact of your workouts!

    Enjoy the remainder of your weekend!

    There are only 2 WEEKS LEFT on this challenge. WE have all been hanging in there strong - THROUGH many UPS and DOWNS, through tragedy and triumph, through good days and bad days, through great workouts and through injury.

    Let's push really hard to end this challenge off in a really great way. If you have a gain, no fret... this BL challenge is just one part of a JOURNEY and you will continue to learn more about your body, about your lifestyle, and be able to adjust it accordingly.

    Either you want it, or you don't.

    Do you want it?
  • sorry I couldn't finish the challenge with all of you I was in the hospital.Don't worry I'm fine now but I'll just have to wait for the next challenge to come along.stay strong everyone!

    Important teams announcement coming tomorrow!
  • Posted my weigh in, down 1.6 this week. I'm pretty happy to have reached the halfway point to my goal weight, and to have lost 16lbs since this challenge started.

    Shan -- I'm very curious about the announcement! How are things going with your trainer lately?

    Skinny Cow, My Body - Thank you