Needing Help

  • Hi Guys,

    I need some help! My well meaning boyfriend just said something that is shaking my confidence. I hadn't told him that I was on weight watchers until tonight and I said I'd lost 9 lbs, and I said that I wanted 10 by this week but I was a bit afraid because I'd eaten some popcorn (unbuttered) the night before. Anyway, he said that I'd have to "get on the treadmill" for that to happen. I asked him why and he said that the first 10 pounds are all water. I was under the impression that maybe the first week was all water but at least some of what I've lost was fat. I've been really good and I'd like to think that some of what I've lost is fat.

    I will still stick with the program but I feel less motivated after that comment, he's usually a sweetie but was clueless in this situation.

    Thanks for the help.
  • Hey, don't let a comment like that stop you. You are right that some of the weight loss is water, especially during the first week, but you have definitely lost fat if you are following the Program.

    Keep at it. Remember that future weeks will and should show less weight loss. Healthy losing is 1-2 pounds a week.

    Good luck.
  • Don't let him get you down! 9lbs is 9lbs, and you should be proud of what you have accomplished! And hey- it can only get better! People who don't have weight to lose (especially men!) seem to make little comments like that...thats why its nice to have the support you receive at WW meetings, or in great places like this!
    Congrats again on the 9lbs!
  • Hi Guys,

    Thanks a lot for the help I looked in the mirror the next morning when I was getting ready and I decided, water, fat or whatever I definately look sleeker and slimmer. Plus instead of 40 to go I have 30. It's great to have this place and I hope in the future I'll be able to inspire people as well
  • Sparkles--

    If you're ever feeling disappointed over "only losing 10 pounds" do this and I guarantee it'll make you feel better--
    Go to your local grocery store and pick up a 10-lb bag of potatoes, dog food, etc., sling it over your shoulder, or just carry it in your hand and walk around the store aisles with it for about five or so minutes.
    10 pounds is a LOT, water or not, and you should be very very proud!!!

    Stay motivated, girl!! He'll wake up and notice sooner or later. Oh, and you might as well be prepared--if he's like most men I know, when you do start losing enough for your body to change, he'll want to know who you're losing the weight for. "What are you doing, trying to get skinny so you can find another man?" LOL

    You're right--even the normally sweet ones can be clueless when it comes to us losing weight!!
  • Thanks for the encouragement! You make a really great point about the potatos. It's hard to believe really. I looked at a pound of butter and realized that I've lost 10 of those lol.
    Thanks guys!
