Back and ready to work!

  • Hey everyone, its been over a month I think since I last logged on here...and just as long since I've worked out and ate right. After getting home from my warehouse job (a workout in itself) I just feel so tired and HUNGRY HUNGRY HUNGRY! I don't know what came over me, but I lost track of everything after I missed my TOM, feeling bloated and hungry for WAY longer than I normally do. No, I'm not prego thank goodness, but my body still feels out of wack. I just need to force myself to get back into my normal routine again. New laptop should arrive by this weekend!!! SO going to post lots of updates!!!

    Since NOT working out and eating as healthy as I should have I've unfortunately gained 10lbs. lol lowest I had seen was 142.8 and this morning I saw 152.0. I always told myself that if I did gain, my stopping point would be a ten pound gain and this is it! I've also noticed my pants feeling snug and that along has made me want to get my butt back into gear. It was great while it lasted and a good break from all of this, but I'm ready to complete what I started 2 years ago.
  • Great to see you back, then. So, welcome back and good luck!
  • Welcome back!!! You can do it!
  • I did the same thing, Jennie. Life got really tough for a while (my mother passed away) and I lost track of my weight goals for a time. When I hit a ten pound gain, I snapped back into action. I've got the scale going downward again, and it feels great. You have had such a fabulous loss of 157 pounds. Congratulations and welcome back!
  • Good for you, knowing you are at the upper limit of gain and time to get back in action. No doubt you will be back to business and turn it back around in no time!
  • welcome back we missed u
  • Thanks everyone! Good news, I'm down 5lbs already! I'm assuming most of the weight gain was water weight due to the horrible foods I'd been consuming. I can even see the difference - Not nearly as bloated as I was. Overall I'm super excited to be heading back down and plan on starting P90X (my 3rd round) next week!