~*~Weekly Chat March 7-March 13~*~

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  • Starting the new chat thread! Gotta teach a class in a few minutes but I hope everyone is doing well. I had a tough weekend, some relationship drama and I've decided to go off BC pills in the hopes that it will fix the problems I've been having with moodiness/depression/no libido. I feel so hopeful, like this will fix everything magically. Even if it doesn't I hope I at least get some placebo effect-type improvements.

    Weighed 129.9 this morning. I was a fool to think I could beat the buffet at its own game, and I sadly admit to having a total poor-me emotional binge on nuts and bananas (yes, bananas) last night, made all the worse because I was watching "Sex and the City" while shoveling them into my face.
  • Holy moly! This year is flying by!!

    Girl, you are itty bitty - don't worry about that scale! What's up with the boy?

    I have a maternity shoot this week Meeting with someone at the hospital about photography promos. And kickin' it with baby boo. Nine days til CA & REAL Mexican food!!
  • Krampus: Sorry about your boy problems!! I'm starting to think all these B/C pills I've been on and off of have been messin with my libido! I was gonna talk to my doctor about it but am kind of embarressed too because what if it's something else?! ...Urrgg who knows! And like Madison said your TINYYY don't stress about the scale!
    Madison: Good luck with the maternity shoot! And your right I still am in aww about the fact that it's already March & my b-day is in 2 months!!

    Wooo..I'm exhausted! And I haven't even done much today...been lounging around the house, got a 30 minute workout in, playing with my babies and thats about all! I have a test that HASSS to be taken before tomorrow night at midnight and then I'm on spring break! I tried taking it earlier today and it messed up on me and the internet went off! URG! Dang internet is so frustrating sometimes.

    Scale was 140.2 this morning which I was pretty siked about. I'm hoping to see the 130's this week! That would be lovely. But I'm a little on edge about TOM getting here..last month was rough...although I feel like I drop a lot more weight during TOM ...I'm constantly craving BAD stuff and I almost gave in several times last month and I'm really hoping I can stand my ground and not give into any cravings i have this month. This birth control I'm on is ALOT different than the last B/C I was taking when it comes to cravings..I'm 10x more hungrier with this B/C. Oh well *fingers crossed* it will go well this month ..I mean it's only 5-6 days right? LOL. 5-6 longgg days!

    Hubby works tomorrow so it will probably be a LONG boring day again tomorrow but I plan on going grocery shopping Tuesday and as long as I keep my head straight and keep snackfoods away from the house for the first week (while TOM is here) I should be okay from binging! Welp thats enough for me! Hope everyone has a great beginning of the week!
  • krampus Hope going of the BC helps things out and hope the relationship woes aren't too serious.

    Madison This year is really quick so far - your trip is so soon!

    ~Sorry I haven't been super active as I normally am...I'm feeling so disheartened at the moment by this lack of loss. I am still at 63kg/138.8pounds. Yesterday morning I saw 62.5kg / 137.7 pounds, but I'm guessing that was just dehydration from being out drinking the night before. I kept my drinking in control and limited this time. I still had a good time. The Chinese dinner was ok - I was kind of frustrated at paying so much for so little food (we split the bill 15 ways) just because there wasn't actually a whole lot ordered that I wanted to eat - someone else had ordered on behalf of the group right before we got there. I mainly ate the barbecue pork, some veges, a bit of lamb or beef (seriously couldn't tell what the meat was) and a bit of the crispy skin pork belly, minus the crispy skin/fat part...oh and maybe like half a cup of rice. So seriously not that much food at all.
    The night was pretty good aside from my boyfriend getting super drunk and needing to go home early...after that we spent nearly an hour trying to round up those that actually wanted to leave, including 20 minutes of me going in and out of the club trying to get one of our friends to leave - he was also WAY too drunk and had already been kicked out but gotten back in. He didn't come with us, I couldn't persuade him - turns out he ended up waking up alone in a bus stop at 5.30am with no memory of having got there. Just a little bit crazy.
    My boyfriend ended up spewing and couldn't remember doing that in the morning...and then we spent Sunday curled up on the couch watching movies. It was pretty nice.

    I don't know what to do about this non-loss thing. I don't know how long a plateau lasts or how long without loss is even considered a plateau, but I am feeling very stuck at the moment.
  • I am down to 157 today, but that could be the lack of food I had this weekend. Egg's and oranges and a bit of cottage cheese. I borrow money and now have processed **** to last me until tuesday. Nothing I can do about it with lack of money and the fact that healthy stuff doesn't last long enough. So I'm not really expecting to be down at all this week, and I'm sure I'll be back up into the 160's again.
  • JL Sorry, I took so long with my post I missed yours before I posted. You are so close to the 130's! You will definitely be overtaking me soon haha!

    MiZ Sorry to hear things are tough in the money department.
  • Krampus - my libido has tanked completely, too. The boyfriend is upset with me over this, so I know how ya feel I wasn't on them when we started dating, but in October I went back on them and now the drive is just GONE. Unfortunately I have PCOS so I have to be on the Pill to regulate hormones and junk.

    Madison - Good luck with your shoot!

    JLNichols - Awesome job, and you'll do totally fine food shopping. I've found that not eating certain things for a while makes me not want them altogether. Kind of weird, but I don't like Oreos, or potato chips, or anything else like that. Especially soda. Food shopping is still hard for me, but mostly 'cause I don't know what I should be eating. I try and pick things that are easy for me to prepare, are whole grains, and the least processed I can get. And easy to prepare veggies. You can do it!

    EDIT: Rainbow and MiZ - totally missed you guys when I posted. Sorry!

    Rainbow - Awesome job keeping it under control! Don't feel bad about the scale staying in one spot. I was at 212 for a good week and then I had a sudden whooosh.

    MiZ - Money troubles suck... I'm having similar issues right now as well


    206 this morning. Looks like I'm going to have to re-think my March goal. Maybe I can get to Onederland by the end of the month? That's a pretty lofty goal for now. I have 2 more days to wait until I get the signature option activated, so I can have a ticker of my own. I can't wait!

    I'm happy with the weight I've lost so far, but this is also the point where I usually stall out and revert back to my old ways. I haven't weighed less than 200lbs since I was 19. That was 4 years ago... It's kind of scary. I really hope I can do it this time, because I'm tired of feeling like this. Tired of being fat and tired.

    I'm also feeling like I'm the "lame friend". The one who isn't quite as interesting or witty or whatever as the other friends. I never have time to spend with anyone really, since I work so much and go to school full time. But even so, I still feel completely lame and uninteresting. I'm just feeling really uneasy about everything that's going on in my life right now. Blehhh
  • Laneyy I think you could see Onederland this month for sure! If my weight had only been the same for a week, I'd be fine with it, but it's been over 2 weeks now and it's up and down over the same 2 pounds. Also my loss til now has been pretty steady, so it's just a bit scary. I hope you get over your uneasyness feeling, I know moods like that suck and are hard to get out of - but I'm sure you're not the "lame friend" at all.
  • You girls are too kind. It might just be the 3 mugs of coffee I drank this morning but I am feeling very optimistic about things to come for the first time in quite a while. I am playing violin with some people at a pub on Saturday for a St. Patrick's Day jam/party and suddenly feel inspired to learn a bunch of Irish drinking songs/sea chanteys between today and then.

    Saturday was a "thin day" and I was checking myself out in mirrors all day, plus my friend whose opinion I value commented I was looking slim. I tried on Eur 36/US 4 jeggings at Zara and fit in them, though not terribly comfortably. Zara sizes run quite small - smaller than "new" H&M - so that was rather encouraging. Even with the overeating at the buffet and yesterday's binge I feel pretty okay today - a general feeling of "downward swing" I guess, and I am hopefully going to see a net loss this week.

    As for the mandrama, it's almost entirely about my lack of sex drive/seeming miserable and moody all the time. We had a long talk about things on Sunday, I cried my way through a quarter of a roll of toilet paper, and I've started TOM as a result of being off the pill for a few days. We'll see how it goes.


    Laneyy You know, if you forge ahead with a will of steel you could get to Onederland - even if you don't it would still feel good to try! About being the "lame friend" it sounds like you've convinced yourself it's true, but why?! You don't sound lame at all. And yeah dumb BC. Is it feasible for you to switch pills?

    MiZ Sorry to hear about the money woes but you can still lose/maintain on processed foods!

    rainbowstripe Too bad about your bf getting sick and overly drunk but it sounds like you made the best of the situation, and Sunday cuddlemovies are the greatest! As for your plateau, do you think changing your exercise/having a couple days of totally different eating would move things along? That is a frustrating place to be in but you've come so very far, don't forget that.

    JLNichols I wouldn't be embarrassed to talk about it with your doctor, they hear about EVERYTHING and I'm sure none of your libido-related worries could actually shock them. Good luck dealing with the cravings and such and congrats on being so close to the 130s!

    MadisonAvePhoto Thanks for the kind words! What Mexican food are you most looking forward to???
  • Krampy - Carne asada burritos!!! And real rice & beans! OMG! I have a food boner!
  • Madison - lmfao@ "food boner". OMG.

    Krampus - This is always the time of year when I just feel "bleh" about everything. Maybe it's all the rain. Who knows. I'm not sure about switching pills. I've been on this one (Estrostep) since I was 19 or so, off and on. It starts off as low dose, then a middle dose, then a "normal" dose (I think it's 10, 25, 35) and the only other one I've been on has been just a full 3 weeks of 35 and then the placebo pills. Yay for being a size 4! That's pretty freakin' tiny if you ask me. Also, your mention of Irish drinking songs really gives me a hankering to listen to The Pogues. Where's my ipod????

    Rainbow - That happened to me for a good 2 weeks. Bounced between 215 and 213 for a week, then was 212 for a week. Maybe shake things up a bit? Change up your exercises maybe?
  • hey all! sorry, too lazy for personals today also i am sick. i am not quite sure how this happened but i seem to have caught some kind of low level cold. i guess i should be happy it's not a full-fledged one, but it still kinda sucks, you know?

    this weekend was a big food fail... both saturday and sunday... it's like i fought so hard trying to resist all the cravings all week that i just exploded over the weekend and ate way too much. for no reason. *sigh* at least i managed to keep working out everyday, so i guess that's ok. anyways, back on track today. also i can "feel" that the cravings are gone, so it should be easier this week.

    anyways, also not going to korea for spring break everything was booked although i guess that serves us right for waiting so last minute. oh well. i also have "something" tonight. i'm not quite sure if it's supposed to be a date or what... we're going for coffee. i met him in a bar (which would indicate desire for sex so possibly date) but then he said he wanted me to teach him english, so i'm not sure. and i've never been chased by english leeches before so i dunno. lol. he is quite hot though, and i know he's attracted to me as well so i'm just confused.... lol. anyways, i just hope i don't fall asleep in his face. lol.

    2 more hours of "work" to go... i just wanna go to sleep... zzzz....
  • krampus Yay for positivity, I like that you are feeling positive! Cuddlemovies were the best actually...I think I never really get stuff like that since I usually work Sundays! Doing that on a Saturday would just feel super lazy but I guess Sunday is kind of more of a lazy day...too bad my Sunday off was a one-time-only type of thing.

    Laneyy and krampus With the plateau, I hate to admit it...but I know I am at fault, I just kept hoping it wasn't what I thought it was but I think it is. I've not really been exercising a whole lot for a few weeks now. I go to my 1 hour Zumba on Tuesdays and then MAYBE do another half hour of something half-assed during the week...so perhaps that is the problem.
  • Kawaii Oh noes sickness! Glad to hear it's not too extreme though. Sorry about your non-trip to Korea...what happened? Hope the date/something goes well tonight
  • Yay krampus for thin days! Coffee always puts me in a better mood too- feeling quite invincible and capable. 3 cups and I'd be on Cloud 9.

    Madison your job sounds super fun! Am quite jealous of your Cali trip... guacamole.... *homer simpson gargle*

    JLNichols congrats on 140! You'll surely be in the 130s soon. I love the -0 numbers (140, 130). Anything with a zero makes things seem so much smaller and goals that much closer. Just keep that number ringing in your head whenever your TOM cravings for junk food hit- no reason to backtrack now when you are soooo close.

    rainbow sorry to hear about being stuck at 137. Alcohol as you know contains a lot of calories, and Chinese food is salty, so that could be it. You shouldn't beat yourself up over it- you have to indulge and treat yourself sometimes. It's about the long-term trend of where your weight is headed, not the itty bitty dips and peaks along the way. (I know I'm a hypocrite because I always whine about plateaus, but easier to give advice than take it right? ). You're doing great and you'll see the weight come off slower and slower as you drop. I like you hit a plateau and realized it was totally in my own hands to fix it- buckle down and eat right, log EVERYTHING, and exercise in some way almost every day. You know what's up and how to get to where you want to be so I have confidence you'll get there.

    Laneyy yes what a great goal! 6 lbs is a great target for March. Even if you don't quite get there, you will still have made great progress. Shoot for the moon and if you miss you'll still be among stars, and all that. Sorry you've felt 'bleh' lately- I definitely go through those waves too. From what I've seen just on here you are a smart, kind, considerate, and fun person so I hope you don't lose sight of that.

    Kawaii good luck with the "something"! Haha. You girls always impress me with your confidence and adventurousness. I have never dated in my life (been with my BF for 3 years, my ex before that for 2 years, otherwise too lame and shy in high school and early college to date) and it sounds like it always keeps life interesting and exciting. Keep us posted on how it goes!

    MiZ best of luck with money issues... I'm waiting for my new job to start and waiting for my next paycheck is stressful. I hear ya on it- nothing you can do sometimes except be patient and do our best.


    Had a very lazy weekend, just reading, played Oregon Trail online (!!!) with my bf, ate on-plan, got in some exercise and pool time. It was nice. Had a scheduled chocolate outing last night and deliberately got a chocolate shake. Sometimes you just have to go for it. 128.8 again today, so I'm happy to be able to eat off-plan sometimes and still feel like I'm progressing in the long run to my goal.