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  • Hello everyone, I am new to this site and was wondering if anyone is a member of MRC.? I went for my consultation appt and found out how much I need to loose, then I was given the option of joining the plan. My questions are to those who are on the plan, or have been on the plan...what is involved in the "pre-conditioning" phase, and are the supplements necessary or are there other alternatives that will do the same thing. Also, I am worried that after I pay all the money for this program that I will not see results...I'm scared !
  • Quote: Hello everyone, I am new to this site and was wondering if anyone is a member of MRC.? I went for my consultation appt and found out how much I need to loose, then I was given the option of joining the plan. My questions are to those who are on the plan, or have been on the plan...what is involved in the "pre-conditioning" phase, and are the supplements necessary or are there other alternatives that will do the same thing. Also, I am worried that after I pay all the money for this program that I will not see results...I'm scared !
    Most of us on this board are, or have been, members at MRC.

    Pre-conditioning is a period before you start the full program where you wean yourself off carbs and sugars. All of the menus (from pre-conditioning, to program, to stabilization) all include options for breakfasts, lunch, and dinners with approved proteins, carbs, fruits, and vegetables.

    Supplements, to some extent, are required. They require you to drink 2-5 High Nutrient Supplements (HNS) daily. You really must drink these for MRC to fully work (and to lose fat, not muscle). Most people buy them at their center, but some buy other brands online from They are basically the same price. MRC will also require you to take a daily multivitamin and EFA. I take my own multi, but I use their fish oil. I also take other supplements (such as MRC6 and Cortitrim) but those are optional and people buy them as they can afford and want to add to their program. Many on program lose without any additional supplements other than the required ones.

    If you devote yourself to program, it works. I have lost almost 40 pounds since September and have really been a slow loser on MRC. However, I have also seen people on this board and at my center, start the program, lose 10-20 pounds and drop off the face of the program. You have to stick with it to lose (which does get hard at times...dedication is necessary).

    I am LOVING MRC. I have never found a diet that made sense for the long term to lose 70 pounds before. I am feeling great and losing! Good luck on whatever you chose!
  • I recommend MRC, and if you opt for this plan, your results will be pretty quick if you stay focused. It does work, but if you question it, or make your own rules along the way, you will not be successful. You pretty much need to follow the plan as provided to you with faith that it will indeed work. And it will.

    Personally, I went from a size 22 to 12 in 4 months (@ 70 lbs). Unfortunately, this didn't get me to my goal, so beginning again on Monday to get where I really want to be.

    Love MRC though. The support and motivation was great and, in my opinion, well worth the price. Much safer than weight loss surgery.

    While on it, all my blood work went into the NORMAL range for the first time in years. Also, I am a type 2 diabetic, but it no longer showed up in my A1C since it really improved that dramatically. My doctor could only say, "What are you doing?"

    Oh, and I would also add that I lost years in my appearance. I just turned 58, but most people think I am much younger, so have really liked that a lot too!
  • I also recommend MRC. I have lost 20 pounds in just two months, but more importantly, I am learning a new lifestyle. Previously, when I was on diets and fell off the wagon, I would literally fall off, run over myself, then back-up and do it again (ok, not literally, but figuratively). With MRC, when I fall of (which unfortunately happens) I just pick myself up and move on the next meal/day/whatever. It is all about learning how to live a healthy lifestyle, not only while losing weight, but after reaching goal. I am so tired of losing weight and then not knowing how to keep it off. MRC is showing me how to do it. It may seem like a lot of $$ being put out at the time, but in the end, when all is said and done and you have reached goal, that money spent will be furthest from you mind.

    Also, I never thought I would actually have a vegetable garden in my backyard, but I do now, which saves me lots of money each month.

    Good luck. Remember that support is just a mouseclick away.
  • Thank you for the information. I am trying to get all of the information possible before I make the commitment. I recently saw an old friend who is on the plan and she looks wonderful. The thought of getting this weight off in a short amount of time is very appealing, I was just wondering what the pre-conditioning plan consisted of and do I have to take "their" vitamins?
  • I have lost 50lbs on MRC since August 30. I was really skeptical at first--my sister joined a year ago, and I waited several months to see how she did. After she hit -30lbs (and she wasn't utterly miserable), I decided it must work! I was really really really nervous about paying out the money, wondering if I could stick with it--but it was the best decision I've ever made, and even if I don't lose another pound, I don't regret it.

    My sister and I have PCOS, so losing weight is really difficult for us. I've done weight watchers several times, but it never worked for me (given points, I choose carbs over protein b/c it's usually less points and I'm a carb addict) because of my insulin resistance and the amount of carbs you're allowed on WW. Plus, I needed someone to look over my food sheets weekly and offer ideas, adjustments, encouragement, and reality checks. Someone to keep me accountable. This program does that.

    Up until I hit my 50lbs, I only did daily multivitamins and flaxseed oil (both purchased from my grocery store) and 3-4 high nutrient supplements (HNS) a day. My weight loss has slowed some (I'm working out a lot harder, and my body has gotten more efficient at burning calories) so I have added corti-trim, but it wasn't necessary--I would probably still lose without it, just wanted to continue losing at the same rate.

    Good luck! It's a program that works, and it has changed my life!
  • Thanks
    You are sooo sweet, I think I am just scared. Afraid of failure! I have tried soooo many things in the past and have either not stuck with the program or fell off the wagon. I am hoping this time around getting support and information before taking the plunge. also another question, after you finish the pre-conditioning phase, and move into the next, is this something you can stay on and maintain?
  • Quote: You are sooo sweet, I think I am just scared. Afraid of failure! I have tried soooo many things in the past and have either not stuck with the program or fell off the wagon. I am hoping this time around getting support and information before taking the plunge. also another question, after you finish the pre-conditioning phase, and move into the next, is this something you can stay on and maintain?
    For the preconditioning phase, they give you a list of all the foods you can eat while on the plan, and tell you that you can eat any of those foods (divided into fruits, veggies, proteins & starches), with no particular serving size (except for starches), for 4-7 days. In addition, you need to try to drink at least 64 oz (8 glasses) of water a day--this was a tough one for me, as I HATED drinking water when I started. I used to gag on it (but now I'm drinking 70-100 oz of water a day with no problems)!

    When you finish the preconditioning and move to your actual menu, the food choices are pretty much the same--just more specific as to serving sizes and which meals you can eat fruits and starches at. For example, my breakfasts include 1 protein & 1 starch. My lunch is protein, veggie, and fruit. My dinner is protein, veggie, and starch. Pretty easy to remember and keep track of once you get going.

    Honestly, once I got into the routine, it's been pretty easy to follow. I found several meals/recipes I particularly like, and I mostly just rotate through them. I was worried about how easy this will be to maintain once the weight comes off and foods are re-introduced, but Debi (hatesthesweatpants) has been doing it just fine--what an inspiration she is!

    You can do this! I'll warn you--if you love your caffeine or carbs, preconditioning isn't fun. I hated it. I was quite the grump. But after I moved over to my actual plan, I've been fine!
  • Can you tell me about the "pre-conditioning" phase? Also the next steps? They are wanting to start me on the "Meta-Slim" program, I have 75lbs to loose, and yes I am also very, very nervous about spending the $$ to get started, especially in this day and time. I guess its hard for me to get started because I cannot see myself down 75 lbs. I have no idea what that is like and I am scared. I also am insulin resistant and started taking medication in Dec 2010, I was not/am not happy about that and I am sure if I loose the weight then I will come off the meds. Thanks for your encouragement and any additional information would be greatly appreciated.
  • Dang !! I guess the coffee and cereal are out !! LOL... cereal is my downfall and ohhhh thats gonna be a rough week for my husband. lol
  • I joined a week ago and have been on preconditioning for 8 days. I really like the foods listed and that has helped a lot. The first couple of days I had headache but have felt really good since then. I think eating regular meals, no caffine, sugar and exercising consistently have helped improve my energy and I feel very empowered. Tomorrow I go for "food instruction" and I am assuming they will explain more of the program and I will get my new menu. I'm excited! I have already lost 7.5 pounds.

    When I signed up I was told that I did not have to sign up for all the weeks I would need (I have 80-100 lbs to lose) at once and could sign up for 17 weeks plus the maintenece and then add additional weeks at the end of the 17 as needed and I plan on watching for sales to help with that cost.

  • I just joined this program in January and I love it so far. I've lost 33 lbs in 45 days and I really can't complain. I do work out everyday and I never go off the menu. I think what did it for me was actually paying the money. I've done the gyms and tried to eat less. I did the weight watchers, but paying a monthly thing didn't really help, but this is. I didn't want that much money go to waste. I need to lose another 40 lbs, but so far I am extremely happy. The biggest issue I actually had with this diet was the amount of food. I started on the plus menu and it was a lot for me. I had to actually get them to lower my protein because it was too much food for me to eat. My friend who has started this diet with me is having the same issue with the too much food. I never get hungry and I feel so much better now. The only complaint I have is that I have to drink so much water and I am constantly running to the bathroom, but that's not MRCs fault, it's just what our bodies need. I just can't believe you can eat this much food and still lose weight.
  • Quote: I just can't believe you can eat this much food and still lose weight.
    I went to food instruction today and will be starting the menu tomorrow, but wanted to see how much 6 oz of cooked protien really is and was shocked at the "huge" portion, as well as how many veggies we are supposed to eat. I don't think hunger will be an issue.

    Also, one of the reasons I chose this program was that it did cost me some money and I am "cheap" and do not plan on letting that money be wasted on another failed attempt. Money is tight so I'm not using any of the "extra" supplements but if I lose the weight it will definately be the best investment I have ever made!

  • I would highly recommend using all the HNS's that you're allowed each day. Other than that, the only supplement (besides multi-vitamin and fish oil) that I use is MRC-6.

    Most anyone that is dedicated to the program and does it faithfully will have success, but you have to be dedicated to it and not cheat, or else it will not work.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    I just joined this program in January and I love it so far. I've lost 33 lbs in 45 days and I really can't complain. I do work out everyday and I never go off the menu. I think what did it for me was actually paying the money.

    Yup, that did it for me also. I joined January of last year and lost my weight -60 lbs by October. But the struggle is not over. Every day I struggle to maintain but then I do think of all the money that I spent on the program and that keeps me going.
    I like MRC and when they gave me a quiz about it," MRC is________." Well, the first word to come out of my mouth was expensive. But it IS worth it and I don't regret one penny that I spent. My thinking is that I've paid to lose the weight and now I need to keep it off.
    Good luck! This is the only program that worked for me.